Sneha Girap (Editor)

Isidor Sârbu

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Isidor Sarbu


Other names
Sidor Sarbu


Russian EmpireUSSRRomania

Isidor Sârbu (1886 in Corjova, Russia) was a Moldavian victim of dekulakization.



Isidor Sârbu was born in the village of Corjova (Dubăsari District) of the Russian Empire.

In the early 1930s, he had 30 hectares (74 acres) of arable land and 8 hectares (20 acres) of orchard. During the collectivization, he was considered a kulak. On March 14, 1933, Sârbu was arrested and brought to Tiraspol prison, where he spent three months and had his property and house confiscated. He then returned to Corjova, where his family rented a small room in the house of Dumitru Halippa for five rubles.

In 1934, they moved to Dubăsari. But on April 10, 1935, NKVD ordered Sârbu and his wife to move to Pervomaisk. They brought only the smallest child, an 8-year-old daughter. They fled from Pervomaisk and returned to Corjova, where they were arrested in January 1936. Sârbu was condemned to three years at Tiraspol prison, but was liberated early, after two years and a few months. On January 26, 1938 he and his wife were arrested in Corjova and condemned for two years and respectively 1 year of prison at Tiraspol. One of his children, Olga (1921–1938), died in May. On January 26, 1940, he returned to Corjova.

After Operation Barbarossa, a nephew of Isidor Sârbu, dekulakized too, became the mayor of Corjova.

Also read

  • Vladimir Voronin
  • References

    Isidor Sârbu Wikipedia

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