Publisher DC Comics Species Human Played by Candice Patton Significant other Flash (Barry Allen) | Full name Iris Ann Russell West Abilities Photojournalist Place of origin Central City TV show The Flash | |
Created by Robert Kanigher (script)
Carmine Infantino, Joe Kubert (art) Team affiliations Galaxy Broadcasting System
Central City Picture News First appearance Showcase #4 (September–October 1956) Creators Carmine Infantino, Robert Kanigher, Joe Kubert Similar Flash (Barry Allen), Cisco Ramon, Eobard Thawne, Killer Frost, Wally West |
Iris West is a fictional character who appears in various DC Comics publications.
Publication history

Iris West-Allen first appears in Showcase #4 (September–October 1956) and was created by Robert Kanigher, Carmine Infantino, and Joe Kubert.
Fictional character biography

In her first appearance, Iris is a reporter for the Picture News, based in Central City, and the fiancée of Barry Allen, who is secretly the Flash. Unaware of his secret, Iris often chides Barry for his frequently being late. Eventually, she learns not only that Barry is the city's heroic speedster, but that her nephew, Wally West, is Kid Flash, after she marries Barry; she discovers her husband's secret on their wedding night when Barry talks in his sleep. During this time, the couple discovers that Iris was born in the 30th Century (circa 2945 AD), and had been sent back to the present shortly before "Earth-East" attacked "Earth-West," when Central City was a self-contained city. After years as a prominent presence in the Flash's life and Central City, she is killed by Professor Zoom during a costume party. Zoom vibrated his hand into her head, solidifying it just enough to kill her. Years later, Barry killed Zoom while trying to prevent him from murdering his new fiancée, Fiona Webb.
Iris did not stay dead for long. As Iris' biological parents, the Russells (with the help of a future Flash, John Fox), sent the then-infant Iris to the past, where she was adopted by Ira West, her "death" caused a paradox that was resolved after the Russells placed her consciousness into a new body. Barry is reunited with Iris in her time, and they are able to spend a month together. However, the couple knows if Barry returns to the past, he will die in the Crisis on Infinite Earths. During their time together, they conceive the Tornado Twins, Don and Dawn. Don marries the descendant of Professor Zoom, Meloni Thawne, hoping to end the feud between the two families. They have a son, Bart, whose powers manifest at an early age and cause him to age at an accelerated rate. Dawn marries Jeven Ognats of Aarok and has a daughter, Jenni. Her powers eventually manifest when she witnesses her father being tortured, and she becomes XS of the Legion of Super-Heroes. Don and Dawn die saving 30th Century Earth from an invasion by the Dominators. Iris takes Bart to the past to enlist the aid of her nephew (by then, Wally had taken the mantle of the Flash) in saving her grandson. After Bart's accelerated aging slows down, he takes the name of Impulse. Iris disappeared for a while because she felt out of place in the 20th century. She contacted Johnny Quick at a country diner and tried to warn him of his upcoming battle with Savitar, but he did not heed her. Afraid to change the future by giving vital information about the present, Iris refused to go into the details of how Savitar could be defeated, but finally Linda Park and Jenni Ognats convinced her to tell them the key to Savitar's defeat, which was to give him want he wanted: to be one with the Speed Force.
Iris again disappeared. This time she was kidnapped by Polaris and Abra Kadabra and forced to write everything she knew about the future so that they could have a "roadmap into tomorrow" for their plan of world conquest.
After this incident, Iris left to someplace where no one would find her so that she could concentrate on writing the book The Life Story of the Flash, which was published by Keystone Press in 1997. Wally West later names his daughter Iris in honor of his aunt.
One Year Later
A mysterious hooded figure enlists the help of Zoom to attack Bart while he confronts Captain Cold, and later reveals herself as Iris. Her plan is to somehow put her grandson, who, by then, had taken up the Flash mantle, out of commission for a week to protect him from a future she is determined to change. Unfortunately, a weakened Bart is killed by the Rogues, thanks to an elaborate plan by his clone "brother" Inertia.
In Final Crisis: Rogues' Revenge #1, Iris has since moved to her old home in Central City where she is seen tearfully looking over photographs of her late husband, when a disembodied voice calls her name. Barry returns to life in DC Universe #0 and Final Crisis #2. Iris spends some time as part of a Darkseid-resistance cell operating out of the Hall of Justice. Other members include Black Lightning, Green Arrow, the Ray, Linda Park and her two children. In Final Crisis #4, Iris is shown to have been corrupted by the Anti-Life Equation; Barry is able to break its hold over her by kissing her and enveloping her in the Speed Force. Iris starts crying at the sight of Barry, who reassures her everything will be okay.
After the return of her husband, Iris is shown fully returning to her life alongside the rest of the Flash family. Still overjoyed by the return of Barry, she does not get much time to spend with him, as Barry is still mentally scarred from his deathly ordeal and staunchly refuses to stop and enjoy even a moment of "normal" life. She is also shown to be much younger than she previously had appeared, later implied by the resurrected Professor Zoom that Iris's currently youthful appearance is a side effect of close contact to her husband's Speed Force since Final Crisis. She resumes her career as a crime reporter at Central City.
The New 52
In The New 52 (a reboot of the DC Comics universe), Iris is not married to Barry, but they still know each other because of their respective occupations(jo west). It is hinted that Iris has a romantic attraction to Barry. She is accidentally trapped in the Speed Force by Turbine, but is freed by Barry's alter-ego. Later issues confirm that she is in love with Barry. Barry does not yet reciprocate Iris's affections, though he hints at it when he's forced to take on the role of the Black Racer and goes to Iris for help.
New Frontier
In the New Frontier universe, Iris West is a reporter and engaged to crime forensic Barry Allen. During the Cold War and the rise of McCarthyism, Iris wrote her article "Washington Declares War On Mystery Men" on the current events following the death of Hourman and the social bias against masked vigilantes. In 1957, Iris was interviewing Ted "Wildcat" Grant in Las Vegas. While on a phone call with Barry Allen, Captain Cold appeared and froze Iris's hand that was on the phone. Fortunately, Barry heard everything that happened and traveled to Las Vegas as The Flash. In the process he freed an unconscious Iris and stopped Captain Cold. A year later in 1958, after Barry had retired from crime fighting and the subsequent appearance of the Centre, Iris had known for some time that her husband was the Flash and did not reveal this until she convinced him to become a hero once again.
Amalgam Comics
In the Amalgam universe, Iris was combined with Marvel's Roxanne Simpson to form Iris Simpson. When Iris became married to Blaze Allen, her life and soul were taken by the Night Spectre, which threw Blaze into a depression until he bonded with the demon Etrigan to become Speed Demon. Her soul was eventually freed by Blaze and her nephew Wally, who became the third Speed Demon.
In the Flashpoint miniseries (an event prior to the New 52 relaunch, when an alternate timeline was created by the Flash), Iris West is unmarried and in a relationship with someone called "John" at the Central City Citizen, where she works. Later Iris is seen with her nephew and cameraman, Wally West, covering a battle between Citizen Cold and Mister Freeze. Iris was invited to dinner by Citizen Cold. When she asks him for an interview, he is interrupted by his emergency calls. Later, Citizen Cold is injured during his battle with the Rogues and while collapsing in his car, confronts Iris. Iris then brings him to her home. After he recovers, he gives her a key to his penthouse, and an offer to join him when he leaves Central City. When Citizen Cold returns home, Iris learns from Pied Piper, that Citizen Cold is a criminal and murdered her nephew. Citizen Cold attacks Pied Piper, but Iris uses one of his own weapons to freeze him in a block of ice, just as he had Wally. Afterwards, Iris visits her nephew's grave along with her husband John.
Injustice: Gods Among Us
In the Injustice: Gods Among Us prequel series, Barry met with Iris sometime after Superman killed the Joker where she expressed her disapproval of Superman's actions. She's convinced that Flash would not do the same if he was in Superman's scenario (where Iris would be murdered instead of Lois), and tells Barry to not condone Superman's actions and to promise her that he will stand up to Superman if he goes down the wrong path. Five years later, Barry goes to see Iris after Superman lashes out at him for letting Batman get away, where it's shown that they've broken up as Iris is upset with Barry for breaking his promise and supporting Superman. Later, Flash sees Iris being arrested by Girder and King Shark for treason against the Regime from joining a Central City Insurgent group. Flash tries to defend them from the two villains and ends up killing King Shark in the process. Iris is disgusted by Barry's actions and offers to arrest herself just to not deal with Barry. Barry talks with her, and she tells him that her faith in him was shattered five years ago when she was undercover in Australia where she witnessed Superman and Wonder Woman brutally beat and cripple a rebellious hero named Galaxor while Flash did nothing to help the young man (who committed suicide shortly afterwards). Iris ultimately rejects Barry and tells him that he's not the man she thought he was. Iris and the rest of her group afterwards are arrested by Flash and Girder, and was set to stand trial for her actions.
DC Extended Universe
Video Game
Justice League Novel/Flash: Stop Motion
Iris Allen is featured in the Justice League novel Flash: Stop Motion written by Mark Shultz. The novel explains that Iris and her deceased husband Barry Allen raised Wally West after his parents died. Years later Wally now has to defend his aunt Iris from a mysterious form-altering creature called the Superluminoid that can travel faster than the speed of light. The Superluminoid soon begins a murder spree throughout the U.S. that Wally is not fast enough curtail. Wally later discovers that both he and his aunt Iris possess the 'metagene' which triggered Wally's transformation into a speedster following a lab accident. The novel indicates that Iris' metagene lay dormant, but under the right circumstances like Wally's accident, Iris could also become a speedster. Coincidentally, Iris' deceased husband, the original Flash, Barry Allen also possessed the metagene enabling him to become super fast.
The antagonist of the story, the Superluminoid, is revealed to be a creature developed from Iris' own metagene by various experiments, with its method of superspeed essentially crushing alternate timelines. In order to stop it, Wally receives important advice from an entity that is later revealed to be an alternate version of Iris from a reality where she was exposed to a particular set of events that triggered her metagene, this entity temporarily boosting Wally's powers to allow him to subdue the Superluminoid.