Siddhesh Joshi (Editor)

Ira Shor

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Western Philosophy

Ira Shor

Influenced by
Ira Shor httpsiytimgcomviKsx0yRRPmYhqdefaultjpg

University of Wisconsin–Madison School of Education (1971)

Guggenheim Fellowship for Social Sciences, US & Canada

Empowering Education: Critical T, A Pedagogy for Libera, When Students Have Po, Critical teaching and every, Freire for the Classroom

Similar People
Paulo Freire, Henry Giroux, Joe L Kincheloe, Shirley R Steinberg, Bell Hooks

Public Voice Salon. Episode No. 120. October 10, 2015. Ira

Ira Shor (born 1945) is a professor at the College of Staten Island, City University of New York, where he teaches composition and rhetoric. He is also doctoral faculty in the Ph.D. Program in English, at The Graduate Center, CUNY.


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Ira Shor wwwenglishcsicunyeduuploads145914591628

Shor grew up in the working class area in the South Bronx of New York City. According to Shor, coming from a working class area had a powerful influence on his thinking, politics and feelings.

Theoretical Contribution

In collaboration with Paulo Freire, he has been one of the leading exponents of critical pedagogy. Together they cowrote A Pedagogy for Liberation.


  • Critical Teaching and Everyday Life (1980)
  • Culture Wars: School and Society in the Conservative Restoration (1986)
  • A Pedagogy for Liberation, with Paulo Freire (1987)
  • Freire for the Classroom: A Sourcebook for Liberatory Teaching (1987)
  • Empowering Education (1992)
  • When Students have Power: Negotiating Authority in a Critical Pedagogy (1996)
  • Critical Literacy in Action (1999)
  • Education is Politics (1999)
  • References

    Ira Shor Wikipedia

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