Samiksha Jaiswal (Editor)

Immaculate Conception Parish Church (Santa Maria)

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Santa Maria, Bulacan,

Roman Catholic

Santa Maria

Parish church



Architectural style
Baroque architecture


Immaculate Conception Parish Church (Santa Maria) httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

Father Francisco Javier and Tomas Marti OFM

Roman Catholic Diocese of Malolos

Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Manila

Malolos Cathedral, San Juan Bautista Church, Our Lady of Assumption Church, Our Lady of Most Holy Rosary P, San Isidro Labrador Church

The La Purísima Concepción Parish Church, locally known as Santa Maria Church (Filipino: Simbahan ng Parokya ng La Purisima Concepcion) (Spanish: Iglesia Parroquial de la Purísima Concepción) is a Roman Catholic Church located in the municipality of Santa Maria, in the province of Bulacan, Philippines. It is under the coat of arms and jurisdiction of the Roman Catholic Bishop of Malolos and Seat of the Episcopal Vicar of the Eastern District of the Diocese of Malolos.


Early History

Santa Maria Church founded by Franciscan Friars as a visita by Father Francisco Javier, OFM under the parish of Saint Martin of Tours in Bocaue. The materials was initially made of cogon and bamboo and later stronger materials. Then by 1792, Santa Maria de Pandi gained independence from its matrix and the construction of a bigger church commenced. The church was renamed Parroquia de la Purísima Concepción dedicated to the Virgin Mary.

Image of La Purísima Concepción

The church is home to an image of the Virgin Mary that is believed to be miraculous. There are two local legends as to how the image arrived in Santa Maria: first is that it was brought to the town by the Franciscan Friars, second is that it was sculpted out of wood from a galleon. The image has been stolen in the 1930s and was retrieved in Nueva Ecija by a man named Teofilo Ramirez who claimed that the Virgin Mary appeared in his dream and gave instructions as to where the image can be found. The image was returned to the town on a February and the townsfolk accordingly adjusted their feast day to the first Thursday of February except when its falls on February 2 (the feast of the Our Lady of the Candles).

Holy Week

Hermandad y Cofradia De La Sagrada Pasion handles the solemn procession of Holy week in Sta. Maria, Bulacan.

Hermandad y Cofradia is still looking for qualified camareros/owners to complete and illustrate the sorrowful passion of Christ, contact La Purisima Concepcion Parish office for further details.

This is the line-up for Sta. Maria, Bulacan Good Friday Procession 2016:

1. San Pedro Apostol
2. San Nicodemo
3. San Jose Arimatea
4. El Bautismo
5. Las Bodas De Cana
6. La Samaritana
7. La Penitente
8. La Resurreccion De Lazaro
9. Santa Maria De Betania
10. San Lazaro De Betania
11. Santa Marta De Betania
12. La Sagrada Entrada En Jerusalem
13. La Ultima Cena
14. Nuestro Padre Jesus De La Oracion En El Huerto I
15. Nuestro Padre Jesus De La Oracion En El Huerto II
16. El Beso De Judas
17. Nuestro Padre Jesus Desmayado
18. Nuestro Padre Jesus De La Columna
19. Nuestro Padre Jesus De La Paciencia
20. Nuestro Padre Jesus De La Sentencia
21. Nuestro Padre Jesus Nazareno
22. El Encuentro De Hijo Con Su Madre
23. Nuestro Padre Jesus Ayudado Por Simon De Cirene
24. La Veronica Limpia El Rostro De Jesus
25. Santa Veronica
26. Nuestro Padre Jesus Despojado De Sus Vestiduras
27. Nuestro Padre Jesus Del Calvario
28. Nuestro Padre Jesus De La Tercera Palabra
29. El Sagrado Descendimiento
30. La Piedad
31. Nuestro Padre Jesus En Su Traslado Al Sepulcro
32. Santo Entierro De Nuestro Senor Jesucristo
33. Santa Juana De Cuza
34. Santa Maria Jacobe
35. Santa Maria Salome
36. Santa Maria Magdalena
37. San Juan Apostol Y Evangelista
38. Nuestra Senora De Los Dolores

Reserved Images for procession in the coming years:

  • Nuestro Padre Jesus Del Prendimiento
  • Nuestro Padre Jesus Consuela A Las Piadosas Mujeres
  • Unreserved Images/Scene for membership in Hermandad: Santiago Mayor Apostol
    San Andres Apostol
    Santo Tomas Apostol
    San Judas Tadeo Apostol
    La Negacion de San Pedro
    Nuestro Padre Jesus ante Caifas
    Nuestro Padre Jesus de la Coronacion del Espinas
    Nuestro Padre Jesus de la Precentacion al Pueblo
    Nuestro Padre Jesus de la Tercera Caida
    Nuestro Padre Jesus de la Exaltacion
    Nuestro Padre Jesus de la Expiracion
    Nuestro Padre Jesus de la Lanzada


    Immaculate Conception Parish Church (Santa Maria) Wikipedia

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