Sneha Girap (Editor)

Ille Toktash

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Ille Toktash

Ille Toktash




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Semenov Il'ya Semenovich29 July 1907Bolshiye Toktashi village, Russia (

writer, poet and folklorist

Notable works
Verses (1930)First victory (1932)

January 20, 1957, Cheboksary, Russia

Ille Toktash (Russian: Илья́ Семёнович Тукта́ш, Chuvash: Илле Тукташ) (29 July 1907, Bolshiye Toktashi village, Alikovsky District, Chuvash Republic – 20 Jan 1957) was a Chuvash writer and poet. He was a USSR Union of Writers member (1934).



Ille Toktash was born 29 July 1907 in the village Bolshiye Toktashi (Alikovsky District of the Chuvash Republic). He graduated from Alikovo middle school.

Ille Toktash participated as a reporter in World War II between 1942 and 1944.

He was the author of the collections Verses (1930) and The Wind of the October (1932), as well as short stories and essays. His novella Bull Ravine (1932) dealt with the collectivization of the Chuvash village. Tuktash translated into Chuvash The Tale of Igor's Campaign (with I. Ivnik), M. A. Sholokhov's The Quiet Don (book 1), and the short stories of M. Gorky. He is also known as a compiler of Chuvash folklore.

Ille Toktash died 20 January 1957 in Cheboksary (Chuvashia).

Creative activity

Ilya Tuktash created in a genre of lyrical poetry. Its products "Shur кăвакарчăн" ("the White pigeon"), "Ӳс, çĕршыв, хăватлан" ("to Grow, the country, get stronger"), "Тăван çĕршыв" ("Native land") are entered by gold threads in a treasury of the Chuvash literature. The song written by composer Grigory Lebedev on verses of Ilya Tuktasha "Тăван çĕршыв" ("Native land") became a hymn of the Chuvash Republic.

From under Ilya Tuktash's feather there were stories also. The master has reached successes in literary transfers: has translated into the Chuvash language some chapters of novels of M.Sholokhov "Newly plowed virgin soil" («Уçнă çерем»), "Quiet Don" («Лăпкă Дон»), M.Gorkogo's products «the Girl and death» («Хĕрпе вилĕм»), «the Song about a falcon» («Кăйкăр çинчен хунă юрă»), V.Shakespeare's sonnets, A.Navoi, V.Lebedev-Kumach bunting, S.Alymov's verses.

He did much work on collecting folklore. The material of oral national creativity prepared by Ilya Semenovichem was issued in its work «Чăваш фольклорĕ» («the Chuvash folklore»), published in 1941, 1949.

Famous works

  • «Сăвăсем» – Verses (1930);
  • «Пĕрремĕш çĕнтерӳ» – First victory (1932);
  • «Октябрь» – October
  • «Вăкăр çырми» – Bull's ravine (1933);
  • «Чечек çыххи» – Bunch of flowers (1939)
  • «Павел Лаптев» – Pavel Laptev (1944);
  • «Çĕр хуçисем» – Terra owners (1954);
  • «Сăвăсемпе юрăсем» – Verses&Songs (1958).
  • Literature

  • Iur’ev, M. Pisateli sovetskoi Chuvashii. Cheboksary, 1975.
  • Efimov L. I., "Элĕк Енĕ" (Alikovo District), Alikovo, 1994.
  • "Аликовская энциклопедия", editing: Efimov L. I., Efimov E. L., Anan'ev A. A., Terernt'ev G. K., Cheboksary, 2009, ISBN 978-5-7670-1630-3.
  • "Чăваш литературин антологийĕ", editing: Gordeev D. V., Silem J. A. Cheboksary, 2003. ISBN 5-7670-1279-2 .
  • References

    Ille Toktash Wikipedia

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