Tripti Joshi (Editor)

Ilan Halimi

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Cell phone salesman

Ilan Halimi

Ilan Halimi Ilan Halimi to be reburied in Jerusalem Israel

11 October 1982 (

February 13, 2006, Paris, France

Ruth Halimi, Didier Halimi

Similar People
Edouard Mortier - duc de Tr, Yahya El Mashad, Ernst vom Rath, Petrus Ramus, Shahriar Shafiq

Cause of death
Injuries from torture

barbarian gang trial recalls the killing of ilan halimi

Ilan Halimi (Hebrew: אילן חלימי‎‎), this murder was also known as The affair of the Gang of Barbarians (French: l'affaire du gang des barbares). This was a crime of antisemitism, the kidnapping, torture, and murder of a young, French-born Jew of Moroccan Jewish ancestry who was kidnapped on 21 January 2006 by a Muslim group calling itself the "Gang of Barbarians". The "Gang of Barbarians" believed that all Jews are rich, and repeatedly contacted the victim's modestly placed family demanding very large sums of money. Halimi was held captive and tortured for three weeks, dying of the injuries inflicted. The case drew national and international attention.


Ilan Halimi httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediaenee4Ila

A total of 27 people were accused as implicated in the crime and were tried for kidnapping and murder in 2009. Gang leader Youssouf Fofana (born 1980 in Paris to immigrants from Côte d'Ivoire) was convicted and sentenced to life in prison with no possibility of parole for 22 years. Others received shorter prison sentences, some suspended, and three were acquitted. While Fofana's life sentence was definite, 14 of the 27 verdicts were appealed by the prosecution. The convictions were upheld on appeal in December 2010.

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Halimi was a cell phone salesman living in Paris with his divorced mother and his two sisters.

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On 20 January 2006, one of the perpetrators, a 17-year-old girl called "Emma", or Yalda (of French-Iranian origin), who came came to the phone store in Paris where Halimi worked and struck a conversation with him. She eventually asked for Halimi's number, which he gave to her, and left the store. The girl called him the next evening and told him to come to her apartment for a drink. He was lured to an apartment block in the Parisian banlieues. where he ambushed and held captive by the group upon arrival. No one saw or heard from Halimi until the next afternoon, when his sister received an email containing a picture that showed Hamili gagged and tied up to a chair with a gun to his head. In text, the abductors threatened his life and demanded 450,000 euros from his family, stating that they would kill him if they went to the police. Not having the money, though, Hamili's family had no other option than to contact the police.

Killing of Ilan Halimi Paris remembers Ilan Halimi on 10th anniversary of murder Diaspora

The abductors, who called themselves the "Gang of Barbarians", tortured him and sent phone and video messages to his family while they were in contact with the police. During the 24 days of abduction, the leader of the gang, Youssouf Fofana, managed to travel back and forth to his home country of Ivory Coast. At some point he was suspected of being related to the gang and was taken to the police station, but they were forced to release him due to a lack of proof of his connection to the group. The demand for ransom, initially elevated at 450,000 euros, diminished as the abductors got more anxious with the attention they were drawing from the police and media. Suspicious neighbours said they did not go to the police station out of fear while others said they did not want to intervene in a business that was not theirs.

Killing of Ilan Halimi Youssouf Fofana jug pour 40 affaires avant lassassinat dIlan

After three weeks and no success in finding the captors, the family and the police stopped receiving messages from the captors. Halimi, severely tortured, more than 80% burned and unclothed, was thrown next to a road at Sainte-Geneviève-Des-Bois on 13 February 2006. He was found by a passer-by who immediately called for an ambulance. Halimi died from his injuries on his way to the hospital.

Killing of Ilan Halimi T C Ilan Ilan Halimi parle Youssoufofana EXTRAODINAIRE YouTube

Some have criticized the police department for not understanding the antisemitic nature of the kidnapping. Their decision to keep certain matters secret was seen as counter-productive, and may have prevented a photofit of "Emma", the girl who lured Halimi to the apartment. Investigation showed that more than twenty people, some of them teenagers, took part directly or indirectly in the kidnapping. Some of them later claimed they never knew his fate, and "Emma" (who was seventeen at the time), later sent a letter to his family to say how sorry she was.

A woman, referred to as Audrey L., turned herself in after the police had released a photo-fit picture. She pointed to the Barbarians, a gang of African and North African immigrants who had perpetrated similar abductions in the past. In the subsequent days, French police arrested 15 persons in connection with the crime. The leader of the gang, Youssouf Fofana, fled to his parents' homeland of Côte d'Ivoire with the woman used as bait. They were arrested on February 23 in Abidjan and extradited to France on March 4, 2006.

Reburial in Israel

Halimi was initially buried in the Cimetière parisien de Pantin. At the request of the family, the remains of Ilan Halimi were reburied in Har HaMenuchot cemetery in Israel on Friday, February 9, 2007. It was timed to allow his first Yartzeit, on Tu Bishvat, to pass before the reburial. The date and time (11:30 am) also marked "exactly one year after his burial in France according to the Jewish Calendar."


Tens of thousands of people marched through the streets of Paris, demanding justice for Halimi, on Sunday February 26, 2006. The kidnapping brought many Jews to speak out against antisemitism and racism, but also stirred discussion about whether Jews could still feel safe in France or not. Immigration to Israel rose as a result.

Ilan Halimi was initially buried in the Cimetière parisien de Pantin near Paris. The funeral in Paris drew a large Jewish crowd. He was reburied in Har HaMenuchot cemetery in Jerusalem, Israel on February 9, 2007. A garden in the Jerusalem Forest was named after him. In May 2011, a garden in the 12th arrondissement of Paris where Halimi used to play as a child was renamed after him.

His mother, Ruth Halimi, published a book she wrote together with Émilie Frèche about her experience of the events, called 24 jours: la vérité sur la mort d’Ilan Halimi. In late April 2014, a movie by French filmmaker Alexandre Arcady about this case was released. Entitled 24 Jours: La vérité sur l’affaire Ilan Halimi (24 Days: The Truth about the Ilan Halimi Case), it is based on the above-mentioned book.

In 2017 the Washington Post revisited Ilam Halimi's murder, describing it as similar to the Murder of Sarah Halimi (Ilan is only distantly related to Sarah Halimi, who was also Jewish,) because French authorities similarly refused to acknowledge the antisemitic nature of the murder or to investigate it as ethnically and ideologically motivated terrorism.


Killing of Ilan Halimi Wikipedia

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