Harman Patil (Editor)

II Cavalry Corps (German Empire)

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German Empire



World War I

II Cavalry Corps (German Empire)

2 August 1914-23 January 1915

Approximately 22,000 (on mobilisation)

The II Cavalry Corps (German: Höhere Kavallerie-Kommando 2 / HKK 2 literally: Higher Cavalry Command 2) was a formation of the German Army in World War I. The corps was formed on mobilization of the German Army in August 1914 and dissolved 23 January 1915 as the onset of trench warfare in the west negated the requirement for large cavalry formations. It was commanded throughout its existence by General der Kavallerie Georg von der Marwitz.


Combat chronicle

Initially on the Western Front with 2nd, 4th and 9th Cavalry Divisions preceding 1st and 2nd Armies. Withdrawn to Belgium at the end of November 1914. Dissolved 23 January 1915.

Order of Battle on mobilisation

Initially, the Corps simply consisted of 3 Cavalry Divisions (with 7 Jäger battalions attached) without any Corps troops; in supply and administration matters, the Cavalry Divisions were entirely autonomous. The commander was only concerned with tactics and strategy, hence his title of Senior Cavalry Commander Höherer Kavallerie-Kommandeur.

On formation in August 1914, the Corps consisted of:

  • 2nd Cavalry Division
  • 4th Cavalry Division
  • 9th Cavalry Division
  • Guards Jäger Battalion
  • Guards Schützen Battalion
  • 3rd Jäger Battalion
  • 4th Jäger Battalion
  • 7th Jäger Battalion
  • 9th Jäger Battalion
  • 10th Jäger Battalion
  • Each cavalry division consisted of 3 cavalry brigades (6 regiments each of 4 squadrons), a horse artillery Abteilung (3 four-gun batteries), a machine gun detachment (company size, 6 MGs), plus pioneers, signals and a motor vehicle column. A more detailed Table of Organisation and Equipment can be seen here. The Jäger battalions each consisted of 4 light infantry companies, 1 machine gun company (6 MGs), 1 cyclist company and a motorised vehicle column.


    II Cavalry Corps was commanded throughout its existence by General der Kavallerie Georg von der Marwitz.


    II Cavalry Corps (German Empire) Wikipedia

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