Samiksha Jaiswal (Editor)

I.S.25Q. Adrien Block School

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+1 718-961-3480

Number of students
856 (2015 - 2016)

Lowest grade
Sixth grade


School number



I.S.25Q. Adrien Block School

School type
Public Junior High School

School board
New York City Public Schools

3465 192nd St, Flushing, NY 11358, USA

School district
Community School District 25 - Queens

Community School District 25, Education Departme, World Journalism Preparato, Flushing High School

I.S.25Q. The Adrien Block School is a junior high school which currently serves grades six through eight. The school dismantled ninth grade due to lack of sufficient participation by students, but the School added sixth grade beginning at 2007–08 school year. The building is located in Flushing, Queens, New York City in the Community School District 25. The School Is part of a campus called "The Adrien Block Campus" shares space with another school, The World Journalism Preparatory School (WJPS) & Part of the school's basement is shared with P233 or Class Y21 (a school for disabled children).


I.S. 25 Adrien Block

Schools Mission

Our mission is to cultivate life-long learners inspiring the intellectual, social, emotional, and physical potential of every student. Administrators, teachers, parents, and staff work together using Common Core Learning Standards to create a challenging environment specific to the individual student's needs in developing skills for a successful transition to high school, college, and future careers.

Administration Team

Adrien Block (I.S. 25) - District 25 - InsideSchools
  • Principal: Mary Ellen Bierne (Since 2009 school year)
  • Assistant Principals: Nancy DePoalo (eighth grade)
  • Assistant Principals: Irene Cacanando-Zimmet (sixth grade)
  • Assistant Principals: Jordan Fitzgerald (seventh grade)
  • School Dean: Catherine Piccolo (Since 2010 school year)
  • To See More About The Admisistation & Teachers Visit The Schools New Website @

    Classroom Assignment

    This school contains three SP (Special Placement) classes in each grade which are 601 and 602, 605, 701 and 702, 705, and 801 and 802 (SP Classes Information was changed in 2015). The students in the SP classes receive more challenging school work than the other regular classes. The school also contains three SE (Special Education) classes in each grade which are 608, 609, and 610, 708, 709, and 710, 808, 809, and 810 (Also SE Classes Information was changed in 2015). The students in the SE classes help children with minor disabilities; learning disabilities such as ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), anger management, Autism, etc.

    State Exams

    Each year the students are given the statewide ELA (English Language Arts) and Mathematics exam. The eighth ggrade students are addition on taking the statewide science exam. Student Have taken the MOSL (Measure Of Student Learning Exam) For Social Studies & Science (Possible No Longer Taken After School Year 2015-2016). Please Note That The 8th Grade Students Do Not Take The Science MOSL Due to The statewide science exam.

    Talent & Mandatory Classes

    The school offers talent courses that take place during the course of a school day. The students choose from Dance, taught by Nuszer, Band, taught by Copel, Keyboard, taught by Mishina, Chorus, taught by Berger, and Art, taught by Tsamis & Jarowey. Students choose a talent during their first year at the school and usually remain in that class until their year of graduation. Talent classes take place three times each week for one period each day a student has talent. When students enter eighth grade it is mandatory they partake in language classes. The school currently offers the Spanish language as a course. Students used to take language classes in their eighth grade year only.

    8th Grade Senior Committee

    The school also has the Senior Committee; a group of several eighth-grade students who come up with ideas and such for senior activities and so on. It is run by the eighth grade Social Studies teacher Evan Weintraub, the Physical Education teacher Steve Margaroli, and one of the school's guidance counselor Robyn Petruskie.

    After School Sports Teams

    The school recently added the ability for the students to join various after school clubs such as the Soccer & the Track team, and others. The Soccer & Track team is run by the one of the school's guidance counselor Daniel Flaxman and the Football Team is run by Physical Education teacher Steve Margaroli.

    Schoolwide Enrichment Modle (S.E.M)

    In the School Year 2015-2016, The School started the Placement of the schoolwide enrichment model for student of grade 6 and 7. Students can choose from Newspaper, Drama, Poetry, Business, and more. The School supports the Schoolwide Enrichment Model from September to February and March to June. February and June also feature a showcase for parents displaying what the students have done. The school also adapted to a Debate Team starting in School Year 2015–16.

    After School Program

    IS25Q Offers Free After School Program By The Greater Ridgewood Youth Council (GRYC) Funded By The Schools Out New York City (SONYC For Short) After School Framework for middle schools from NYC Department of Youth & Community Development) Started in the School year 2014-2015. The After School Program Has Worked With Both IS25Q & World Journalism Preparatory School for free high quality after school program only for grade 6th-8th (Students in World Journalism Preparatory School who are in grade 9th-10th can join as a Youth Employment). Students Feature with free snacks & homework help for all. Students are then given activities aligned to the common core. Some activates but not limited to are offered is Art/Drama Club, STEM Club, Chess Club, Guitar/Music Club, Builder's Club, Team Sports Club, Video Game Club, Fitness Club. The program is ruined on A Monday Thru Friday Program Between 2:25-5:30 PM.

    Korean Program

    Adrien Block IS 25 has been providing the after school Korean Program to extend the Dual Language Program of our neighboring elementary school. It is a wonderful opportunity for students to be involved in Korean Language and Culture. This program is designed to give students formal language instruction including various cultural experiences through extracurricular activities such as Taekwondo, Korean Dance, Calligraphy, and many more (subject to change).


    I.S.25Q. Adrien Block School Wikipedia

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