Rahul Sharma (Editor)

Human Shield (political party)

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Ivan Vilibor Sinčić


Political position

Ivan Pernar

Zagreb, Croatia

Populism Euroscepticism Anti-establishment Anti-globalisation Protectionism Modern Monetary Theory

Human Shield (Croatian: Živi zid, literally translated as "Living Wall") is a populist political party in Croatia, formed out of an anti-eviction group of the same name. The group fights foreclosures by occupying property, and forming a "human shield" as alluded to by the name. Party operated until 2014 as Alliance for Change (Croatian: Savez za promjene).



The organization formed into a party ahead of the 2014–15 presidential election, supporting the candidacy of Ivan Vilibor Sinčić.The party opposes Croatian membership in NATO and the EU.


The Party believes that the current monetary system is unfair and unsustainable because it is based on money as debt, i.e. all the money in circulation comes as a loan with an interest rate that never went into circulation (only principal did), which is, according to the Party, the cause of many evictions in Croatia.

The Party stands for:

  • uncredited money (the state must have the power of making money, and not the private banks)
  • audit and prosecution of the 1990's criminal process of privatization and ownership transformation
  • revival of Croatian agriculture
  • thorough reform of the judiciary and public administration
  • lustration of the corrupt staff
  • free health care and education
  • lower taxes
  • abolition of the compulsory HRT subscription
  • personal freedoms
  • withdrawal from the European Union and NATO
  • withdrawal of Croatian soldiers from all military missions abroad
  • environmental protection and a full ban on GMO products
  • full legalization of marijuana
  • animal and environmental protection
  • References

    Human Shield (political party) Wikipedia

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