Siddhesh Joshi (Editor)

Howie Choset

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Howie Choset

Howie Choset CMU Biorobotics Lab

Howie choset and seth hutchinson interview with ijars

Howie Choset is a professor at Carnegie Mellon University's Robotics Institute. His research includes snakebots, or robots designed in a segmented fashion to mimic snake-like actuation and motion, demining, and coverage. His snake robots have also been used in surgical applications for diagnosis and tumor removal; nuclear power plant inspection, archaeological excavations, manufacturing applications and understanding biological behaviors of a variety of animals.


Howie Choset wwwcscmueduchosetimageschosetpng

In 2002, he was named to the MIT Technology Review TR100 as one of the top 100 innovators in the world under the age of 35.

Howie Choset Ideas Davos Howard Choset New Frontiers Medical

Faculty spotlight howie choset robotics institute cmu school of computer science

Howie Choset Howie Choset

Howie Choset Interview with IJARS with Howie Choset and Seth Hutchinson Robohub


Howie Choset Wikipedia

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