Neha Patil (Editor)

House of Mielecki

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House of Mielecki

The Mielecki family (plural: Mieleccy, feminine form: Mielecka) was a family of knights, a branch of the Gryffin Clan. The founders and former owners of the City of Mielec.



It is believed that their progenitor could be Pawlik z Mielec, mentioned in 1224. The first documented ancestor was Jakub Trestka, castellan of Brzesc in 1334. The Mielecki of Gryf family line died out in 1771.

Notable members

  • Stanislaw z Mielca, Royal Rotmistrz, castellan of Połaniec, married Elżbieta Tęczyńska h. Topór
  • Jan Mielecki, Grand Marshal of the Crown, married Anna Koła h. Junosza
  • Mikołaj Mielecki, Voivode of Podole and Grand Hetman of the Crown, married Elżbieta Radziwiłł h. Trąby
  • Zofia Mielecka, married Prince Szymon Olelkowicz Słucki h. Pogoń Litewska and Hetman Jan Karol Chodkiewicz h. Kościesza
  • Coat of Arms

    The family used the Gryf coat of arms.


    House of Mielecki Wikipedia

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