Sneha Girap (Editor)

Hillar Mets

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Hillar Mets

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Hillar Mets (born 15 August 1954) is an Estonian cartoonist, illustrator and animator.


Hillar Mets Hillar Mets hilarious drawings February 2010


Hillar Mets Hillar Mets snadeta Arvamus Eesti Pevaleht

  • Film studio Tallinnfilm (1975–1976)
  • Theatre Vanemuine, artist (1976–1979)
  • Animated film studio Joonisfilm, animator (1979–1985)
  • Journal Pikker, AD (1985–1990)
  • Freelanze illustrator (1990–1998)
  • Since 1998 works in the Estonian daily Eesti Päevaleht as an illustrator and editorial cartoonist
  • Member of the Estonian Artists' Association
  • His illustrations have been published in publications Eesti Päevaleht, Noorus, Täheke, Põhjanael, Pikker, City Paper, Eesti Naine and Toiduproff.

    His illustrations have been published by numerous publishing houses: Valgus, Perioodika, Avita, Koolibri, Egmont, Pegasus, Varrak, Tänapäev, Draakon ja Kuu, Tammerraamat and Campus-Verlag. Among these works are more than 30 jacket illustrations for Estonian versions of Discworld series by Terry Pratchett, published by Varrak. Also he has created illustrations and covers for Estonian versions of Sideways Stories From Wayside School series by Louis Sachar, published by Draakon ja Kuu.

    Among his clients are: The Permanent Representation of Estonia to the EU, The Estonian Institute, The State Chancellery of the Republic of Estonia, Tartu University, The Ministry of Social Affairs, The Institute of Health Development, The Estonian Information Bureau of European Parliament, The Embassy of Finland in Tallinn etc.

    Hillar Mets' works have been exhibited in many invited cartoon exhibitions in Finland, Norway, Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy, Hungary, Lithuania, Greece, Sweden, Germany, Japan etc.


  • VIII Mostra Internazionale del Disegno Ancona (Italy) silver medal 1985
  • Witty World cartoon contest Budapest II place 1990
  • Knokke Heist (Belgium) Bronzen Hoed 1992
  • SKOP-bank of Finland, first prize at a cartoon contest 1992
  • Knokke Heist (Belgium) Bronzen Hoed 1993
  • XII Mostra Internazionale del Disegno Ancona (Italy) silver medal 1993
  • Yomiuri International Cartoon Contest (Tokyo) medal 1995
  • References

    Hillar Mets Wikipedia

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