Kalpana Kalpana (Editor)

Halfdan the Mild

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Vestfold, Norway

Gudrød the Hunter

Eystein Halfdansson

Halfdan Hvitbeinn

Halfdan the Mild

Halfdan the Black, Olaf Geirstad-Alf

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Halfdan the Mild (Old Norse: Hálfdan hinn mildi ok hinn matarilli, (meaning the generous and stingy on food)) was the son of king Eystein Halfdansson, of the House of Yngling and he succeeded his father as king, according to Heimskringla. He was king of Romerike and Vestfold.

He was said to be generous in gold but to starve his men with food. He was a great warrior who often pillaged and gathered great booty.

His wife was Liv, the daughter of king Dag of Vestmar. Halfdan the Mild died of illness in his bed.

He was succeeded by his son, Gudrød the Hunter.

According to the historian Halvdan Koht, Halfdan may have been the one to win independence for Vestfold during the turbulent years of 813–14. The Frankish annals state that the kings of Hedeby had to solve an uprising in Vestfold at this time. According to Ynglingatal, Halfdan´s people "gained victory" in this uprising, and Halfdan is thus the first independent ruler of Vestfold.


Halfdan the Mild Wikipedia

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