Nisha Rathode (Editor)

Hala Shiha

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Hany Adel

Hana Sheha, Maya Sheha


Hala Shiha

Hala Shiha Hala Shiha turn to an Islamic preacher

February 23, 1979 (age 45) (
Cairo, Egypt

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Hala Shiha (born 23 February 1979 in Lebanon) is a retired Egyptian actress best known for portraying the main roles in The Ladder and The Snake, and Lost in America. She officially retired from the entertainment industry in the 2005, after she decided to start wearing the hijab. The following year, she made a brief comeback to star in a role with her hijab. Her decision to start wearing the hijab and retire from the entertainment industry at such a young age and so soon in her career caused controversy. It sparked a massive debate in Egypt about the veil and the decline of secularism within Egyptian society and among Egyptians.


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حلا شيحة ؟؟؟ و سبب الخروج عن الدين Hala Shiha


Hala Shiha HALA SHIHA YouTube

Hala Ahmed Shiha was born in Lebanon to an Egyptian father the international acclaimed painter Ahmed Shiha and a Lebanese mother who is also an artist. She is the eldest out of four daughters.

Personal life

Hala Shiha Hala Shiha Habibi law zalan

Hala Shiha is a devout muslim. She shocked the entertainment world when she announced her resignation for the second time in her career, the first time was in 2003, because she decided to "recommit herself to Islam". Originally, deciding to wear the hijab in 2003 Hala had taken off her Islamic headdress (Hijab) after wearing it for a period of two months amidst objection from family and members of the acting world. She returned to wearing it in 2005 once she declared she was planning to quit acting. Shiha married musician Hani Adel in February, 2006. Six months later they announced they were divorcing. Prior to her first marriage, she had been engaged to Ahmad Baradah. Her sister is the actress Hana Sheha.


Hala Shiha Hala Chiha Shiha 2013 photo stars arabic

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  • References

    Hala Shiha Wikipedia

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