Nisha Rathode (Editor)

Gunnar Harding

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Gunnar Harding


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Guarding the Air: Selected Poems of Gunnar Harding

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Karl Gunnar Harding (born 11 June 1940) is a Swedish poet, novelist, essayist and translator, considered 'one of Sweden's foremost poets'. Among his other poetry collections is Starnberger See from 1977. Among his novels is Luffaren Svarta Hästen from 1977. He published the children's book Mannen och paraplyet in 1990. He was awarded the Dobloug Prize in 2011.


Gunnar harding planeterna


Gunnar Harding was born in Sundsvall and brought up in Bromma as the son of the doctor Gösta Harding. He studied painting in Stockholm and was a jazz musician before making his literary debut in 1967 with Lokomotivet som frös fast. During his early career, Harding travelled extensively in America, and this influenced his work.

Harding is noted primarily for his poetry (mostly in free verse but also significant prose-poetry). Alongside this, he has written essays, a book about the origins of jazz called Kreol, and a few stories.

He has also worked as an editor, for Lyrikvännen ('poetry-lover') 1971–1974, for Artes for many years, and for Artes International during its five-year run. He has been a member of the Samfundet De Nio (chair number 5) since 1993 and served on the 1973 Swedish Bible committion 1981–1989.

Harding's literary significance is partly as an introducer of foreign modernism, especially French, American and British poetry, into Swedish literature.

Harding also takes a lively interest in jazz and likes to read his poetry with jazz as background music.


  • Jazz och Poesi - Gunnar Harding och Sumpens Swingsters (LP with text volume, 1982)
  • Prizes and distinctions

  • 1975 – Tidningen Vi:s litteraturpris
  • 1987 – Stipendium ur Lena Vendelfelts minnesfond
  • 1988 – Carl Emil Englund-priset för Stjärndykaren
  • 1992 – Bellmanpriset
  • 1995 – Svenska Dagbladets litteraturpris
  • 2000 – Wahlström & Widstrands litteraturpris
  • 2001 – Ferlinpriset
  • 2001 – Övralidspriset
  • 2002 – Letterstedtska priset för översättningar för Och drog likt drömmar bort: Coleridge, Wordsworth och deras epok
  • 2004 – Sveriges Radios Lyrikpris
  • 2008 – Litteris et Artibus
  • 2010 – Karlfeldt-priset
  • 2011 – Doblougska priset
  • 2013 – Elsa Thulins översättarpris
  • References

    Gunnar Harding Wikipedia

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