Puneet Varma (Editor)

Guatemala City Guatemala Temple

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Guatemala City Guatemala Temple Guatemala City Guatemala LDS Mormon Temple Photograph Download 1

Quetzaltenango Guatemala Temple, San Salvador El Salvador, San José Costa Rica Temple, Tegucigalpa Honduras Temple, Panama City Panama

Guatemala city guatemala temple

The Guatemala City Guatemala Temple (formerly the Guatemala City Temple) is the 34th constructed and 32nd operating temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). Located in Guatemala City, capital city of Guatemala, it was built with a modern six-spire design. In 1956, while Harold B. Lee (then a member of the Quorum of the Twelve) visited Guatemala City, he felt that it would be a center for Lamanite gatherings and predicted that a temple would be built there.

Guatemala City Guatemala Temple Guatemala City Guatemala LDS Mormon Temple

The LDS temple in Guatemala City was announced on April 1, 1981, and dedicated on December 14, 1984 by Gordon B. Hinckley. The temple was built on a 1.4-acre (5,700 m2) plot, has 4 ordinance rooms and 3 sealing rooms, and has a total floor area of 11,610 square feet (1,079 m2).

Guatemala City Guatemala Temple The Guatemala City Guatemala Temple
Guatemala City Guatemala Temple Guatemala City Guatemala LDS Mormon Temple Photographs Page 1

Guatemala City Guatemala Temple Guatemala City Guatemala LDS Mormon Temple Photograph Download 14

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