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The large flowering plant genus Grewia/ˈɡruːiə/ is today placed by most authors in the mallow familyMalvaceae, in the expanded sense as proposed by in the APG. Formerly, it was placed in either the linden family (Tiliaceae) or the Sparrmanniaceae. However, these were both not monophyletic with respect to other Malvales - as already indicated by the uncertainties surrounding placement of Grewia and similar genera - and have thus been merged into the Malvaceae. Together with the bulk of the former Sparrmanniaceae, Grewia is in the subfamilyGrewioideae and therein the tribe Grewieae, of which it is the type genus.
The genus was named by Carl Linnaeus, in honor of the botanist Nehemiah Grew (1641-1712) from England. Grew was one of the leading plant anatomists and microscope researchers of his time, and his study of pollen laid the groundwork for modern-day palynology.
Grewia asiatica phalsa or falsa grasshopper othoptera
The parasitic wasp Aprostocetus psyllidis of the Eulophidae occurs on and around phalsa (G. asiatica). Its larvae are parasitoids of other insects - possibly pests of the plant, but this is not known for sure.
Several species, namely phalsa, are known for their edible fruit, which are of local commercial importance. The astringent and refreshing Grewiadrupes are particularly popular in summertime. Folk medicine makes use of some species, which are reputed to cure upset stomachs and some skin and intestinal infections, and seem to have mild antibiotic properties. G. mollis is reputed to contain β-carboline alkaloids, though whether such compounds occur in other species too and whether they are produced in quantities to render the plants psychoactive has not been thoroughly studied.
Selected species
Grewia abutifolia (= G. sclerophylla Roxb. ex G. Don, Sterculia tiliacea Leveille)
Grewia asiatica – phalsa, falsa
Grewia avellana Hiern. (= G. calycina N.E.Br., G. hydrophila K.Schum., G. perennans K.Schum.)
Grewia bicolor Juss. (= G. disticha Dinter & Burret, G. grisea, G. kwebensis N.E.Br., G. miniata Mast. ex Hiern., G. mossambicensis)
Grewia biloba G.Don – Bilobed Grewia (= G. biloba var. glabrescens (Benth.) Rehder, G. glabrescens Benth., G. parviflora var. glabrescens (Benth.) Rehder & E.H.Wilson)
Grewia biloba var. microphylla (Maxim) Hand.-Mazz. (= G. parviflora var. microphylla Maxim.)
Grewia biloba var. parviflora (Bunge) Hand.-Mazz. (= G. chanetii H.L.v., G. parviflora Bunge, G. parviflora var. velutina Pampanini)
Grewia bilocularis Balf.f.
Grewia caffra Meisn. (= G. fruticetorum J.R.Drummond ex Baker f.)
Grewia calymmatosepala K.Schum.
Grewia celtidifolia Juss. (= G. asiatica var. celtidifolia (Jussieu) L.F.Gagnepain, G. simaoensis Y.Y.Qian, G. yunnanensis H.T.Chang)
Grewia cicleaandilambarika (Malagasy)
Grewia crenata (J.R.Forst.) Schinz & Guillaumin (= G. malococca, G. persicaefolia, G. prunifolia, Mallococca crenata) – au‘ere (Cook Islands), fau ui (Samoa), fo ui (Tonga)
Grewia damine Gaertn. (= G. salviifolia B.Heyne ex Roth)
Grewia eriocarpa Juss. (= G. boehmeriifolia Kanehira & Sasaki, G. elastica Royle, G. lantsangensis Hu)
Grewia flava DC. (= G. cana Sond., G. hermannioides Harv.)
Grewia flavescens Juss. (= G. flavescens var. longipedunculata Burret)
Grewia glabra Blume – sometimes included in G. multiflora
Grewia glandulosa Vahl (= G. salicifolia Schinz)
Grewia goetzeana K.Schum.
Grewia hexamita Burret (= G. messinica Burtt Davy & Greenway, G. schweickerdtii Burret)
Grewia monticola Sond. (= G. cordata N.E.Br., G. discolor, N.E.Br.)
Grewia multiflora Juss. (= G. didyma Roxb. ex G.Don, G. disperma Rottler, G. guazumifolia Juss., G. jinghongensis Y.Y.Qian, G. oblongifolia Blume, G. serrulata DC.)
Grewia occidentalis L. – Crossberry
Grewia olukondae Schinz. (= G. flavescens var. olukondae (Schinz) Wild)
Grewia optiva J.R.Drumm. ex Burret (= G. oppositifolia Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don)
Grewia orientalis Carl Linnaeus
Grewia oxyphylla Burret
Grewia pachycalyx K.Schum.
Grewia picta (= G. aldabrensis Baker
Grewia retinervis Burret (= G. deserticola Ulbr.)
Grewia retusifolia Kurz
Grewia robusta Burch
Grewia rothii DC
Grewia schinzii K.Schum. (= G. velutinissima Dunkley)
Grewia similis K.Schum.
Grewia stolzii Ulbr.
Grewia sulcata Mast.
Grewis tembensis Fresen.
Grewia tenax (Forssk.) (= Chadara tenax Forssk., G. populifolia Vahl)
Grewia tiliifolia Vahl (= G. rotunda C.Y.Wu, G. tiliaefolia (lapsus), Tilia rotunda C.Y.Wu & H.T.Chang)
Grewia transzambesica Wild
Grewia turbinata Balf.f.
Grewia villosa Willd.
Formerly placed here
Some species once placed in Grewia (or genera synonymous with it) have since been moved elsewhere, particularly to Microcos: