Puneet Varma (Editor)

Golden palm civet

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Higher classification

Scientific name
Paradoxurus zeylonensis


Golden palm civet Golden palm civet videos photos and facts Paradoxurus zeylonensis

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Golden palm civet song

The golden palm civet (Paradoxurus zeylonensis) is a palm civet endemic to Sri Lanka. It is listed as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List. Its distribution is severely fragmented, and the extent and quality of its habitat in Sri Lanka's hill regions are declining.


Golden palm civet Golden Palm Civet A Z Animals


Golden palm civet The golden palm civet is the only civet that is found exclusively in

The golden palm civet is brown on the upper side, but individually variable from dark sepia to ochreous, rusty or golden-brown. The tips of the contour hairs are frequently lustrous, sometimes greyish. The legs are about the same tint as the back, but the tail and the face are sometimes noticeably paler, buffy-grey. The face does not have a pattern, and the vibrissae are dirty white. The hair in front of the shoulders radiates from two whorls and grows forward along the sides of the neck and the nape to the head. It also grows forward on the fore throat, radiating from a single whorl. The dorsal pattern consists of faint bands and spots that are slightly darker than the ground colour. The lower side is slightly paler and sometimes greyer than the upper.

Golden palm civet Animals in Wilpattu National Park Sri Lankan Animals Animals of

The golden palm civet has two morphs — one golden and one dark brown, both of which are recorded from Sri Lanka. In 2009, several museum specimens were studied, and on this basis it was suggested to split these color morphs into separate species:

Golden palm civet Indian Rock python Golden palm civet Leopard Trails

  • the golden wet-zone palm civet Paradoxurus aureus,
  • the Sri Lankan brown palm civet Paradoxurus montanus, and
  • the golden dry-zone palm civet Paradoxurus stenocephalus.
  • Distribution and habitat

    The golden palm civet is found in lowland rain forest, evergreen mountain forests, and also dense monsoon forest.

    Ecology and behaviour

    Golden palm civet Golden Palm Civet Golden Palm Civet carnivores Pinterest

    The golden palm civet is forest-dependent, yet tolerant of minor habitat modification where some continuous forest remains. It is arboreal, nocturnal, and solitary; its diet consists of fruits, berries, invertebrates, and a wide range of small vertebrates.

    In culture

    Golden palm civet httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

    In Sri Lanka the golden palm civet is called pani uguduwa පැනි උගුඩුවා, sapumal kalawaddhaසපුමල් කලවැද්දා, or ranhothambuwa රන් හොතබුවා/hotambuwa හොතබුවා, by the Sinhala speaking community. Both golden and Asian palm civet are sometimes collectively called kalawedda in Sinhala and maranai (மரநாய்) in Tamil.

    Golden palm civet Animalasp

    However, the word hotambuwa is mostly used to refer altogether a different species ruddy mongoose (Herpestes smithii). Due to similar appearance and coloration, they are mistaken as the same animal.

    This civet appears in 3 rupee Sri Lankan postal stamp. However, it is labeled "Golden Palm Cat" in the stamp.


    Golden palm civet Wikipedia

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