Kalpana Kalpana (Editor)

Gob Squad

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Gob Squad is a British-German collective based in Nottingham and Berlin. They have worked collaboratively since 1994 in the fields of performance, video installation and theatre.



Gob Squad was founded in 1994. At the time, its members were students at Nottingham Trent University and the University of Giessen. They have made approximately 28 projects to date. They create mid-scale work that combines audience interaction with real-time video editing. The company often use popular culture to explore the complexities of everyday life. Gob Squad create and present work in urban spaces, theatres and galleries

Core members of Gob Squad are Johanna Freiburg, Sean Patten, Sharon Smith, Berit Stumpf, Sarah Thom, Bastian Trost, and Simon Will; Eva Hartmann manages the group.

Selected works

  • 1995 Work
  • 1996 An Effortless Transaction
  • 1997 15 Minutes To Comply
  • 1997 Close Enough To Kiss
  • 1998 Calling Laika
  • 1998 I Can
  • 1998 Stars And Their Pies
  • 1998 What Are You Looking At?
  • 1999 Safe
  • 2000 Say It Like You Mean It
  • 2000 To@ster
  • 2000 Where Do You Want To Go To Die?
  • 2001 The Great Outdoors
  • 2002 Neukölln sucht den Superstar
  • 2002 Welcome to our world… built with you in mind
  • 2003 Room Service (Help Me Make It Through The Night)
  • 2003 Super Night Shot
  • 2004 Prater-Saga 3: In Diesem Kiez ist Der Teufel eine Goldmine
  • 2004 Who Are You Wearing?
  • 2005 King Kong Club
  • 2006 Me The Monster
  • 2007 Gob Squad’s Kitchen (You’ve Never Had It So Good)
  • 2008 Saving the World
  • 2009 Live Long and Prosper
  • 2010 Revolution Now!
  • 2010 Are You With Us?
  • 2010 Before your very Eyes
  • 2012 We Are Gob Squad and So Are You (Adventures In Remote Lecturing)
  • 2012 Infinite Jest
  • 2012 The Conversationalist – inspired by the novel Infinite Jest
  • 2012 Dancing About
  • 2013 Western Society
  • References

    Gob Squad Wikipedia

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