Samiksha Jaiswal (Editor)

Glosas Emilianenses

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Cantar de Mio Cid, The Miracles of Our Lady, Gramática de la lengua ca, The Book of Good Love, Libro de Alexandre

The Glosas Emilianenses (Spanish for "glosses of [the monastery of Saint] Millán/Emilianus") are glosses written in a Latin codex. These marginalia are important as early examples of writing in a form of Spanish and Basque. The anonymous author is assumed to have been a monk at the monastery now known as Suso ("the upper one"), one of the twin monasteries of San Millán de la Cogolla (now in La Rioja, then in the Kingdom of Navarre). He wrote about a thousand years ago in three languages:


  • A simplified version of Latin
  • The medieval form of a Hispanic Romance language (traditionally regarded as Castilian or Old Spanish, but most probably Navarro-Aragonese or a related dialect);
  • Medieval Basque
  • The latter two would have been the vernacular languages in the region surrounding the monastery, although there is a possibility that the author of the glosses was an incomer to the area.

    The Glosses were formerly considered to include the first instances of early Spanish. However, in November 2010, the Real Academia Española declared that the first appearances of written Spanish can be found in the Cartularies of Valpuesta, medieval documents from the province of Burgos.

    Restauracion de las glosas emilianenses

    Location of the glosses

    The codex is known as Aemilianensis 60 (Aemilianus is Latin for Emilian, "Millán" or "Emiliano" in modern Spanish) and was preserved in the monastery library at Yuso (the lower re-foundation of the monastery). Its significance was recognised in the early twentieth century when it was brought to the attention of the philologist Ramón Menéndez Pidal. The manuscript's current location is the Real Academia de la Historia in Madrid.

    Romance glosses

    Glosas Emilianenses Glosas Emilianenses

    There is still some debate as to whether the Iberian Romance language of the glosses should be classed as an early form of Castilian or of Aragonese, although some recent studies show that most features belong indeed to the latter. It is not the only text to be difficult to classify: other texts traditionally assumed to be in Old Spanish, like the Kharjas, are proved to be in a different medieval Romance, Mozarabic, which happens to be classified along with Aragonese in a Pyrenean-Mozarabic group. Some scholars have proposed that it is anachronistic to classify such varieties of Ibero-Romance according to dialectal labels based on geographical particularism before the thirteenth century, leaving the Glosas to be understood as "in an unspecialized informal register of Ibero-Romance".

    However the Romance language of the glosses should be classified, San Millán de la Cogolla's reputation as the "birthplace of the Spanish language" was important in its designation as a World Heritage Site ("cultural" type) in 1997.

    Text and translation

    The longest gloss appears on page 72 of the manuscripts. The Spanish philologist Dámaso Alonso called this little prayer the "first cry of the Spanish language" (in Spanish: "el primer vagido de la lengua española").

    (Listen in restored pronunciation)

    Old text

    Con o aiutorio de nuestro
    dueno Christo, dueno
    salbatore, qual dueno
    get ena honore et qual
    duenno tienet ela
    mandatione con o
    patre con o spiritu sancto
    en os sieculos de lo siecu
    los. Facanos Deus Omnipotes
    tal serbitio fere ke
    denante ela sua face
    gaudioso segamus. Amen.

    With the help of our
    Lord Christ, Lord
    Savior, Lord
    who is in honor,
    Lord that has
    command with
    the Father, with the Holy Spirit
    for ever and ever.
    God Omnipotent, make us
    do such a service that
    before His face
    joyful we are. Amen.

    Comparative table

    Comparison of some words used in the glosses, along with their current corresponding forms in Aragonese, Spanish and Latin language. English translation provided.

    Basque glosses

    Aemilianensis 60 has been publicized as the earliest known codex with inscriptions in Basque, though other codices are posited.

    Only two of the glosses in Aemilianensis 60 (of a total of about one thousand) are actually in Basque. These short texts (only 6 words in total) can be seen on the 1974 plaque. However, it has been suggested that some of the Romance glosses reflect the influence of the Basque language, the implication being that their author was a fluent Basque-speaker.


    Glosas Emilianenses Wikipedia

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