Sneha Girap (Editor)

Giuseppe Ayala

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Giuseppe Ayala

Italian Politician

Giuseppe Ayala p02401jpg

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Giuseppe Ayala (born May 18, 1945 in Caltanissetta) is an Italian politician and magistrate.


Giuseppe Ayala Vent anni di misteri italiani raccontati da Giuseppe Ayala

A member of the Democratic Alliance and Italian Republican Party in the 1990s before he joined the Democrats of the Left in 1998. He was known as an "anti-mafia" magistrate, and had functioned as an "anti-Mafia" judge. He raised doubts about whether it was only the Mafia that was involved in the killing of Giovanni Falcone.

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In 1993 he published a book entitled La guerra dei giusti: I giudici, la mafia, la politica (The war of the righteous: The judges, the mafia, politics), detailing his experiences in politics and his encounters with the mafia.

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Intervista al magistrato Giuseppe Ayala: "In Italia tasso di legalità vergognosamente basso"

Giuseppe Ayala Ayala ha diffamato Salvatore Borsellino39


Giuseppe Ayala Wikipedia

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