Nisha Rathode (Editor)

Gergely Bárándy

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lawyer, politician

Aliz Barandy


Gergely Barandy

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28 November 1976 (age 47) Budapest, Hungary (

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Political party

Dr. Gergely Bárándy (born 28 November 1976) is a Hungarian lawyer and politician, member of the National Assembly since 2006.


Gergely Bárándy Brndy a baloldali sszefogs 2014ben msodszor is megbukott


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He was born in Budapest on 28 November 1976 as the son of Péter Bárándy, who served as Minister of Justice in the Cabinet of Péter Medgyessy. His grandfather is György Bárándy, a famous lawyer in Hungary. Gergely's mother, Zsuzsanna Kecskés is also a lawyer.

Gergely Bárándy httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

He finished József Attila Secondary Grammar School in 1995. He studied at Salzburg Secondary Grammar School from 1993 to 1994. He attended the Faculty of Law of Pázmány Péter Catholic University and in 2000 he received Doctor of Laws title. Between 2000 and 2003 he practised law. After passing the lawyer special examination he has worked as lawyer for the Bárándy & Co. Lawyer's Office from 2003. In the course of his university studies he was demonstrator. After obtaining degree, at first he worked as an assistant, then as assistant lecturer from January 2001, then as senior lecturer from February 2006 for the Department of Criminal Law at the Faculty of Law of Pázmány Péter Catholic University.

Gergely Bárándy Brndy Gergely mszphu

Bárándy was in several Hungarian and foreign offices. Between 2001 and 2004 he was secretary of Hungarian Criminology Association, now he is member of board of directors in this association. He was criminal expert in the Committee on Human Rights, Minorities, Civil and Religious Affairs of Parliament. He is president of National Legal and Administrative Branch of Hungarian Socialist Party (MSZP) and he is the Budapest delegate of the National Ethical and Coordinating Committee. He is member of Youth Political Cabinet of the National Board, National Educational and Training Cabinet of MSZP, Public Law Team of MSZP which prepares the elections.

Gergely Bárándy gyvdek Brndy s Trsai gyvdi Iroda

In the 2006 parliamentary election he obtained a mandate from the party's Budapest Regional List. He is a member of the Constitutional, Judicial and Standing Orders Committee since 30 May 2006. He has been a member of National Jurisdiction Council from 17 October 2006. He secured a parliamentary seat from the party's National List during the 2010 parliamentary election. He became a Vice Chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee for Preparation of Constitution in 2010.

Selected publications

Gergely Bárándy sszecsapott a Brndy csald Blikkhu

He published several articles on the subject of criminal law. He has a complex intermediate language exam in English and advanced language exam in German.

  • Velence fénykora - a Velencei Köztársaság államberendezkedésének kialakulása és kora (1999)
  • A Tenger keresztes lovagjai - Velence részvétele a keresztes hadjáratokban (2004)
  • A gyűlöletbeszéd Magyarországon (2009)
  • References

    Gergely Bárándy Wikipedia

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