Nisha Rathode (Editor)

Gerald M Friedman

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Sue (Tyler) Friedman

Gerald Friedman

Alma mater
Known for
Gerald M. Friedman

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and City University of New York

2011, New York City, New York, United States

Principles of sedimentology, Exercises in Sedimentology

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Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, City University of New York

Gerald M. Friedman (1921–2011) was a distinguished professor in Geology and was one of the founders of modern rock sedimentation. Friedman was a professor in Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) and the City University of New York (NUCY).



Friedman was born in Berlin, Germany, in July 27, 1921. Being a Jew, Friedman escaped the Nazis in 1938 to England. Friedman completed a bachelor's degree in the University of London in the year 1945, with Chemistry as the major and Geology as a minor. In the year 1945 Friedman immigrated to the United States and worked three years as a Chemist in Squibb.

Scientific contributions

Friedman published 573 papers and 19 books, including the highly cited book "Principles of Sedimentology". Friedman received numerous awards including the prestige William H. Twenhofel Medal (in 1997) and the Sidney Powers Memorial Award (in 2000). Friedman was the founder and director of the Northeastern Science Foundation which hosts symposia and publishes several journals, including Northeastern Geology, Environmental Science, and Carbonates and Evaporites, as well as the Carbonates and Evaporites journal.

The Sue Tyler Friedman Medal was named after Friedman's wife, Sue (Tyler) Friedman.


Gerald M. Friedman Wikipedia

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