Rahul Sharma (Editor)

Georgica Pond

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Georgica Beach, Maidstone Club, Cedar Point County P, Hook Windmill, Lake Montauk

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Georgica Pond is a 290-acre (1.2 km2) coastal lagoon on the west border of East Hampton Village and Wainscott, and was the site of a Summer White House of Bill Clinton in 1998 and 1999.


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The lagoon is separated by a 50-foot (15 m) sandbar and is managed by the East Hampton Trustees who monitor a cycle of draining the lagoon and replenishing it with Atlantic Ocean water. The Lagoon consists of 6 finger like coves shooting out from the main body of water, Georgica Cove, Eel Creek, Goose Creek, Talmage Creek, Seabury Creek, and Jones Creek.

Georgica Pond Georgica Pond Surf Forecast and Surf Reports Long Island NY USA

Celebrities on its banks include Steven Spielberg, Ronald Perelman, developer Harry Macklowe and formerly Martha Stewart and Calvin Klein.

Georgica Pond Georgica Pond Estate 29995000 Pricey Pads

Bill and Hillary Clinton stayed at the Spielberg home during the summer vacations in 1998 and 1999. Rumors circulated in 1998 that the Secret Service had drained the pond looking for submarines after the lagoon drained shortly after Clinton's visit.

Georgica Pond East Hampton Trustees Shut Down Crabbing And Other Shellfishing At

Groyne jetties at the pond have been accused of causing beach erosion in Southampton, New York as they are thought to interrupt the normal east to west flow of sand in the longshore drift. Dunehampton unsuccessfully attempted to incorporate in part to have legal standing in the debate. Likewise, Sagaponack, New York incorporated for the same reason.

Georgica Pond Georgica Pond Surf Forecast and Surf Reports Long Island NY USA

Georgica Pond is where the famed Grey Gardens estate is located.

A sandy area near the pond is a nesting ground for the piping plover.

Johnnyswim welcome to georgica pond official audio stream

Georgica Pond Georgica Pond Long Island Photography


Georgica Pond Wikipedia

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