Rahul Sharma (Editor)

Georg Preuße

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Jack Amsler (m. 2002)

Music group
Mary & Gordy


Georg Preuße 1000 images about George PreusseMary ie Mary amp Gordy on Pinterest

Berlin, Mary Christmas, Mein Körper ist mein Kapital, Ich fang erst an

Reiner Kohler, Ralph Morgenstern, Reiner Schöne, Olivia Jones

24 August 1950 (age 70), Ankum, Germany


Interview georg preu e alias mary 2009

Georg Preuße (Pseudonym Mary Morgan) (born 24 August 1950 in Ankum) is a German actor and drag performer.


Mary georg preu e in concert opening


Georg Preuße Georg Preue Celebrity photos biographies and more

After school in Ankum, Preuße became a radio and television engineer. He later started performing in shows and clubs as an actor En travesti. In the 1980s, nationally famous in Germany, he first played the role of Mary Morgan. He worked together with actor Reiner Kohler, who played Gordy Blanche. In the 1990s and 2000s, Preuße played different roles in German theatre.

Preuße, who is openly gay, lives in Berlin and Switzerland.


  • Musical Cabaret - Conferencier
  • TV

    Georg Preuße Travestieknstler Georg Preusse alias Mary Blick

  • „Mary & Gordy“-Shows: Spaß an der Verwandlung 1- 3
  • Mary-Shows. 25 editions (with gags, songs, dance and talkshows)
  • Mary-Revues: Die frech-frivole Illusion. Sternschnuppen.
  • TV moderations: Marys Quiz - Baden-Badener Roulette
  • Film

  • Mary & Gordy auf dem Land
  • Frau'n Frau'n Frau'n
  • Marys verrücktes Krankenhaus
  • Derrick – „Das erste aller Lieder“
  • Awards

  • 1990: Goldene Kamera for Mary and Gordy

  • Georg Preuße wwwjedermannfestspieledewpcontentuploads201

    Georg Preuße Georg Preue spielt wieder den Berliner Jedermann Berlinde

    Georg Preuße Georg Preusse

    Georg Preuße Georg Preusse Pictures 39Jedermann39 Press Conference And Photocall

    Georg Preuße Mary amp Georg Preusse Galerie Georg Preusse Schauspieler


    So Leb dein LebenMary Christmas · 2009
    Ich bin ein SternMein Körper ist mein Kapital · 1991
    Dann hast du mich geschlagenIch fang erst an · 2009


    Georg Preuße Wikipedia

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