Suvarna Garge (Editor)

Garibaldi, Rio Grande do Sul

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Time zone
UTC-3 (UTC-3)

613 m

28,791 (2007)


October 31, 1900

HDI (2000)

169.7 km²

Local time
Friday 2:58 PM

Garibaldi, Rio Grande do Sul wwwoocitiesorgthetropicsparadise6624gariba1jpg

22°C, Wind SW at 11 km/h, 90% Humidity

Points of interest
Parque Fenachamp, Estabelecimento Vinícola Armando, Chandon, Courmayeur do Brasil Vinhos L, Milantino Vinhos e Espumantes

Garibaldi is a municipality in Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. It has a population of 28,714 people, most of them of Italian descent. The city is famous for its wine and champagne productions. The name Garibaldi is an homage to the Italian revolutionary Giuseppe Garibaldi and his Brazilian wife, Anita Garibaldi. It was settled by Italian immigrants, predominantly Venetians, and Prussians in the late 19th century.


Map of Garibaldi - RS, Brazil

The beginning

In 1870, chairman Dr. João Sertório created the colonies Conde d'Eu and Dona Isabel, inaugurating a new era in the process of colonization and economy in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Garibaldi was called, initially, Colony Conde d'Eu, in honor of the emperor's son-in-law, married to Princess Isabel. The two colonies had 32 square leagues of land. The region did not attract much interest, because its lands were rugged. It was necessary to invest in infrastructure to populate it. But as the government was not willing to do so, it sought other resources to make it habitable and arable. The government decided to populate the region with European immigrants.

The settlement of Colony Conde d'Eu occurred at the end of the imperial stage. The first immigrants arrived on July 9, 1870 and they were all Prussians (Germans). At the same period, some Amerindian families, or "Bugres" as they were commonly identified, also settled there. During this period of settlement, the Germans lived on subsistence agriculture. At that time, the only existing road, and in terrible conditions, connected Conde D'Eu to Montenegro through Maratá. By this road, in 1874 and 1875, some Swiss, Italian, French, Austrian and Polish immigrants arrived.

Italian settlement

The largest number of immigrants came from Italy. The Colony Conde d'Eu was the first nucleus of colonization in mountain region of Rio Grande do Sul. The population of the colony, which in 1875 was of only 720 inhabitants, reached 870 persons in 1876. From 1890, when the colony was established, the houses, the buildings, which today form the Historical Center, were built. On October 31, 1900, the government raised the Colony Conde d'Eu to municipality, which then became Garibaldi.

Today, almost all the inhabitants of the city are descending from immigrants, which led Garibaldi develop some aspects, in part by that mix of immigrants with their respective cultures.

Wine and sparkling wine productions

When the Italian immigrants came to Garibaldi they brought vineyards. Over time, wine production became very important to the regional economy. More recently, sparkling wine also started to be produced there, and the town is now the main producer of the beverage in Brazil.

Social and Economic Information

Infra Structure

Number of Elementary Schools: 25; High School: Three; Number of Schools of Higher Education: One; Private Schools: Two; Number of schools in Child Education: Four; Sewerage system (% of households served): 90%; Supply of drinking water (% of households served): 98% ; Number of squares and parks of urban areas: 14 ;

Economy (2007)

Companies located in the city: Industry: 319, Commerce: 788; Services: 1152 and 220 professionals. Economic base: Industry


Altitude: 613m; Climate: Subtropical; Temperature: In summer reaches 33 °C (91 °F) in winter -3.5 °C (38.3 °F) ; No. of Districts: 27; Area of the city: 169.69 km²; Access: RSC 470 / RSC 453 - Route of the Sun / BR 116 / RSC 240 / RSC 446.


Route of the Sparkling Wines

Under coordination of the Secretary of Tourism, Sebrae and Atuaserra, seven wineries and beverage companies of Garibaldi are integrated to implement a roadmap that sought to explore the main product of Garibaldi: the champagne. In this route the tourist has the opportunity to taste the most famous and delicious Brazilian sparkling wines, in addition to knowing the location and process of preparing the drink in a city that is characterized by the charm of its historic architecture, beauty landscape and the friendliness of its people.

Road of Flavour

To offer to the visitors the pleasure of enjoying the passion for the things of earth, five communities developed the road of flavour project, a tour of vineyards and valleys through caves and churches, tasting the colonial products without forgetting the good wines of the land. All of that produced with raw materials grown on each property.

Twin towns - Sister cities

Garibaldi is twinned with:

  • Conegliano in Italy
  • References

    Garibaldi, Rio Grande do Sul Wikipedia

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