Supriya Ghosh (Editor)

Gamma Omicron Delta Sigma

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Gamma Omicron Delta Sigma

July 7, 1990; 26 years ago (1990-07-07) Mabolo, Cebu City

Socio Economic Service Fraternity

Mission statement
To uplift each members' morale, strengthen each members' faith in God and encourage them to work and aim for higher education

Be in service to others

By whose TRUST, LOVE, and SUFFERINGS, we must be united as one under God

Gamma Omicron Delta Sigma (ΓΟΔΣ) is a fraternity group with a vision to uplift each members' morale, strengthen each members' faith in God and encourage them to work and aim for higher education. A part of the organization’s mission is to render services among its members, to the school where they are enrolled and to the community where they live.



"By whose TRUST, LOVE, and SUFFERINGS, we must be united as one under God."


Gamma Omicron Delta Sigma was formed July 7, 1990 at Mabolo, Cebu City Philippines by seven disciples which they call themselves.


The organization, were originally established by the seven (7) disciples:

  • Jason Ruiz - Micheal Ruiz’s elder brother
  • Elmer Baron - Emmanuel Baron’s elder brother
  • Micheal Ruiz - Jason Ruiz’s younger brother
  • Emmanuel Baron - Elmer Baron’s younger brother
  • Ryan Biano - 6 remaining disciples closest friend
  • Kit Jesson Seno - 6 remaining disciples closest friend
  • Albert Ditan - Elmer and Emmanuel’s cousin
  • The seven disciples were a very good friends. They were brought up by their families in a Christian way of life. On July 7, 1990. Albert Ditan celebrated his birthday together with his friends (the other six founders). On that occasion the seven disciples agreed to rename their group to "GODS". They celebrate every year the founding of "GODS" and at the same time the birthday of Albert Ditan. On July 7, 1995, on the fifth anniversary of "GODS", the seven founders agreed to branch out their group and recruit new friends. They decided to form a new Society (now Fraternity/Sorority) which would be known as "GAMMA OMICRON DELTA SIGMA". At present the group has already successfully sprouted chapters at their respective schools and at Mabolo, Cebu City, the Mother Chapter.

    The Gamma Omicron Delta Sigma, today, is now in the hands of the younger cousin of the Founder Michael Ruiz. Laurence Ruiz, Benedict Ruiz and John Eleazar Ruiz. They now hold the group in the hopes of reviving the said Fraternity.


    Note: Partial list of organization chapters.

    Fraternities Sign Peace Covenant

    Gamma Omicron Delta Sigma is part of the United Fraternities Organization in Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental which forged a “Covenant of Peace”, and whose slogan was “Brotherhood for Peace and Progress".


    Gamma Omicron Delta Sigma Wikipedia

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