Trisha Shetty (Editor)

Gamma Kappa Phi

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Gamma Kappa Phi

October 9, 1962; 54 years ago (1962-10-09) Divine Word College

There's No Such Thing As Failure

15 rays seal (general), "The High and the Mighty" (anthem)

Philippines = 80+ Philippine Colleges, Universities Chapters Provincial & City Alumni Councils Other International Councils:  USA = 1  CAN = 1  Qatar = 1  Saudi Arabia = 2  Hong Kong = 1  United Arab Emirates = 1  United Kingdom = 1

Philippines 85,000+ alumni & collegiate

Gamma Kappa Phi (ΓΚΦ) is an international alumni and collegiate fraternity and sorority founded on October 9, 1962 at Divine Word College (now Holy Name University) in Tagbilaran City, Bohol, Philippines.



The organization started as a group called as G-Club or Gentlemen's Club by mostly liberal arts students of the school's College of Law. A professor of the College of Law, lawyer Rosemarie Beldia suggested the fo–rmation of Gamma Kappa Phi when she convinced her brother, Antonio Beldia III, to transform the club into a brotherhood or fraternity. Antonio called for a meeting with his fellow members and agreed to formally rename the G-Club into the Gamma Kappa Phi Fraternity with Vicente Baquial, Florante Cimagala, Alfonso Damalerio, Lauro Dominese, Landelino Maslog, Fernan Maslog, Romulo Racho, Godofredo Sinajon and Prisco Viñalon, comprising the ten founding members.

History of expansion

The Gamma Kappa Phi as a whole organization was not free from certain issues of its history and organizational concerns that adversely affected it towards achieving its objectives. These answered all the woes that beset the organization during the last few decades by annual national conventions started in 1978, which was held the First National Convention in Dumaguete City and 1989 National Consultative Assembly in Cebu City. A research committee took off in December 2004 to resolve the conflicting history of the organization.

Founding year

The founding year of Gamma Kappa Phi was introduced by Silliman University chapter in 1977 as a conflicting difference earlier than 1962; by using the year '1952'. This was believed to be the work of a certain person, who falsely claimed as a member and deceived for recruiting new members to revive the chapter in 1977. The fact that Silliman University chapter was known to cease its operation in 1972 due to the implementation of Martial Law and the revival became a controversy. In addition to the controversy, the Silliman University Chapter sponsored the “First National Convention" in 1979 when the attendees who came from other provinces, especially in Mindanao were convinced on what founding year the chapter used. As a result, it was an influential to some attendees to introduce in the Visayas and Mindanao the wrong information they were convinced by the host chapter. However, some members believed that this was wrong, but other members had introduced to compete for their rivalry with other organizations as a mock of its longest period of existence. Eventually, it became an organized debate and conflict from members whose stand was to pursue using the wrong founding year that they had already introduced and advertised to the public. Another reason, the community values in their cultural milieu involve more than that – loss of face and loss of personal prestige. There were some individual and personal resistance, but more likely bordering on absurd logic on changing 1952 to 1962 was not merely a matter of “simple historical correction.” This became a question from the early generation members of 1969-70s in Silliman University and Central Mindanao University who have first known nothing about the founding year issue from members at other provinces. As a matter of fact, Gamma Kappa Phi in Cagayan de Oro was well history-oriented during the presence of one of the Founder Atty. Fernan Maslog who served as their adviser from 1978 to 1980's. Cagayan de Oro City members were known to be the only followers of true 1962 founding year behind the entire nationwide members who were confused in adapting the mixed 1962 or 1952 founding year starting in 1977. Consequently, members in other part of the Visayas and Northern Mindanao were more influenced in adapting the wrong founding year, but other chapters still remain to follow the truth of the 1962 founding history. The breakthrough of this controversy reaches its height into debated issue and the clamors for verification have been raised and strongly felt as early in 1978. The 2005 National Convention held in Cebu City had the research activity carried out and resolved this historical issue of the mistake in using the 1952 false founding year, and corrected to its true and real founding year of Gamma Kappa Phi as 1962. But this issue remains the main organizational conflict, as members are still divided on certain issues, and the division is caused by different mindset and personal values, which are seemingly irreconcilable among members

Sorority designation name

After two years, a sorority named Gamma Sigma (not Gamma Kappa Sigma) was formed in 1964 and became a closed organization with the Gamma Kappa Phi Fraternity in Divine Word College, due to some blood relations by each member. Gamma Sigma Sorority just existed and went to its 'natural disappearance' as it was never reorganized again since their last active member. The Gamma Sigma Sorority connection with the Gamma Kappa Phi Fraternity was the reason of early members thought of 'Sigma' in adapting the 'Gamma Kappa Sigma' designation for the sorority. Gamma Kappa Phi was never known to use 'sigma' as a designation of sorority members when introduced in Mindanao in 1970 to early 1980s. This was not known to use at the same time when it was introduced in Cebu City in 1974. But unknown by most of the members to its real story, 'Gamma Kappa Sigma' was only evolved to use as the forebearer's name of the organization's sorority due to the Gamma Sigma sorority story. Using 'sigma' designation is totally inappropriate to consider as a fact of Gamma Kappa Phi history. Dr. Raymundo 'Chito' Luzano who was known as the legendary organizer of the first School Chapter of Cebu City in 1974 and who met earlier the founders and pioneers had clarified this controversial name for the sorority that convinced him to author the removal of 'sigma' designation spreading by other chapters. During the organization's 2006 National Constitutional Convention in Cagayan de Oro City, the 'Sigma' designation being used for sorority was overwhelmingly dropped by the members. This was formally cleared as all sorority and fraternity members within the organization have its only sole name as 'Gamma Kappa Phi' and not to use the Gamma Kappa Sigma for the sorority's designated name.


In 1968, two members of Divine Word College who joined in 1965, Proculo Maslog and Idelfonso Sanchez, transferred their studies in Silliman University in Dumaguete City and organized it as the first school chapter in 1969 to operate outside the province. It was the Silliman University members who started to call itself as 'KAPPANS' and introduced the 15-rays seal in 1970, which were designed and created by member Danilo Villamena to become the official seal and now the distinctive symbol of the organization. The fifteen-rays design was designated to the two organizers and 13 pioneer members of the Silliman University Chapter.

The 15-rays seal later revised its meaning in the organization's 2005 National Convention in Cebu City and designated the fifteen rays to the original ten founders and five legendary organizers who were credited with the dramatic spread of the organization.

Evolution of the Gamma Kappa Phi seal

The first Fraternity seal was introduced during the same period of its foundation in 1962. This was designed in a circular form as used by members in an embroidered patch which was sewn on their shirt or a painted version in a cloth banner or plywood. Unfortunately, the circular design seal was not adopted to use when new members have spread outside the founding school in Divine Word College. Subsequently, a new form of the seal was created with another design from Silliman University Chapter which was organized in 1969 by Procolo Maslog and Idelfonso Sanchez who are both members of Divine Word College. Maslog and Sanchez have finally finished their studies and left the new members they recruited to serve as the new forerunners of Gamma Kappa Phi fraternity. In the first semester of the school year in August 1970, the pioneering members of 1969 Silliman Chapter led by Grand Noble Master Roger Valencia assigned Danilo Villamena to design a seal for their school chapter. The new seal design was first painted in a plywood size that was displayed in their booth on the occasion of the founding anniversary celebration of the school. It has a feature of ’15 rays’ that spread around its circular form which depicts the 15 pioneer members of 1969. The seal was unanimously approved by members to be used as the Gamma Kappa Phi seal designated for Silliman University school chapter. In the following school semester, Reynaldo Pagalan who is among the pioneer member of 1969 has transferred his studies in Central Mindanao State University in Musuan, Bukidnon and organized Gamma Kappa Phi in the school. Consequently, he able to introduced the Silliman chapter seal, which in turn was also adapted to use by the Central Mindanao University school chapter.

This was the beginning of the ’15 rays’ seal continued its circulation, which formally adopted to use by other new organized chapter. Eventually, the supposed ’15 rays’ Silliman University chapter seal became the official seal adopted by the entire Gamma Kappa Phi fraternity and sorority. However, during the early decade, members rely on hand drawings or manual process due to an expensive machine and technical printing. Likewise, this is the reason of early visual miscommunications to match its typical resemblance in every duplication. The mistake of, no matter how artistic it was drawn as long as the design is closer to one version to another have turned the staggered feature of the seal design. In addition, some artist own version of slim and long extended '15 rays' have disproportioned the seal design which became insignificant to the depiction of its historical evolution.

The birth of the organization in Mindanao and Cebu

Reynaldo Pagalan, one of the pioneering members of the Silliman University Chapter in 1969, moved to Central Mindanao University (CMU) in Musuan, Maramag, Bukidnon. His journey to Mindanao as a student gave birth to the fraternity as the first school chapter in the Southern Philippines when he organized in 1970. He had not stayed long in CMU and transferred to Araneta University in Manila for his studies, while the members he left to continue the expansion and strengthening of the organization. Recruitment for new members followed, thus further spreading the organization to other parts of Mindanao when Paquito Omisol, who became a member in 1973, organized Mindanao State University Chapter in Marawi City in 1976, Diosdado Legara, who became a member in 1972, organized Xavier University – Ateneo de Cagayan chapter in Cagayan de Oro City in 1974, and Raymundo Luzano, Jr., who became a member of Xavier University Chapter in 1974, organized Velez College in Cebu City in 1975. These achievements include Proculo Maslog's organizing Silliman University Chapter in 1969, credited to them for the dramatic spread of the organization in southern and central Philippines during the late seventies honoring their designations to the 5 rays of the distinctive symbol and official seal of the organization. In later years and decades, the Fraternity and Sorority expanded throughout Philippine school chapters, nationwide, and spread its alumni members around the world and organized their based country councils.

The birth of the organization in Central and Northern Luzon

In 1978, Christino Lumanlan, Jr., who became a member in 1976 at the San Nicolas College in Surigao City, organized Holy Angel University Chapter in Angeles City. Members expanded throughout Pampanga Province and eventually spread in Baguio City and other parts of Northern Luzon.

Organized alumni and collegiate chapter

Alpha Chapter Bohol Province, Beta Chapter Dumaguete City and Negros Oriental, Gamma Chapter Bukidnon Province, Lota Chapter Cebu City and Province, Delta Chapter Marawi City, Zeta Chapter Cotabato Province, Nu Chapter Iligan City and Lanao del Norte Province,Eta Chapter NCR-MMKAC, Sigma Chapter Tacloban City Rho Chapter Pagadian City and Zambaonga del Sur Province,Theta Chapter Notre Dame and Maguindanao Province Lamda Chapter Oroquita City and Misamis Occidental, Epsilon Chapter Cagayand de Oro City and Misamis Oriental, Mu Chapter Surigao City, Xi Chapter Zamboanga City and Zamboanga Province, Psi Chapter Jolo Sulu Province, Omicron Chapter Davao City, Kappa Chapter Davao del Sur many more not mention..

National alumni councils

Metro Manila Kappans Alumni Council have been participating for voluntary community service, donations and assistance to orphaned children in coordination with Pasay City Administration. Members have been attending a quarterly participation of blood donations for their Bloodletting Activity with the Philippine Red Cross at Port Area Manila. Central and southern Philippine Alumni Councils were participants with the same bloodletting program in their municipality, city, province and region, including participation in public events, community assistance, and cooperation in joining with non-government organization during calamity and natural disasters where they voluntarily serve.

International alumni councils

Gamma Kappa Phi is a registered non-profit organization in the City of Chicago, Illinois, United States of America. It is also registered as an international alumni association at Philippine Embassy in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, with two councils in Western region located in Jeddah and Eastern region in Riyadh. Other alumni councils are based in Canada, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, the United Kingdom and Hongkong.


The Gamma Kappa Phi as a whole organization was not free from certain issues of its history and organizational concerns that adversely affected towards its achievement of noble objectives. With advancements in communications, i.e., mobile phones, the Internet, the interconnection between individual members and the organization as a whole, discussions have been made easier which during the early years of the organization's history was virtually non-existent and so therefore resulted in a lot of misinformation regarding the group's history and organizational structure. This misinformation was further magnified because the organization continued to grow and spread all over the country with no central governing structure. Despite the fact, there were early attempts at holding national assemblies, most notably the 1978 National Convention in Dumaguete City and the 1989 National Consultative Assembly held in Cebu City. It was not until 2005 that a credible national assembly was finally organized. The 2005 National Convention held in Cebu City was brought about by the clamor from various individual members who were finally connecting with each other through the online social groups that were already becoming a norm at that time. With the Cebu-Iota Chapter taking the helm in the preparation of the National Convention, a research committee was formed in December 2004 to gather data, thresh out and verify all pertinent historical data and present it to the general membership at the National Convention, held on October 7–9, 2005.

The 2005 National Convention in Cebu City proved to be the first important and critical step towards formally forming an organization on the national and international level. Since then, national gatherings have been held every two years with the venue and sponsor bid out during the preceding national gathering.

Gradual progress has been made to further gather, verify and collate data from all existing chapters and councils, not only in the Philippines but also in countries where members have moved for work or migrated.


Gamma Kappa Phi members were admitted in the college as qualified students when they are duly enrolled at tertiary level in college as the organization's mandatory requirement with irrespective of political affiliation, religion, race, citizenship and good moral character. Generally alumni members have obtained their tertiary-level degree, including acceptance to honorary members who are distinguished in their career through personal merits which are approved by the body and members.

Government registration

Gamma Kappa Phi was officially registered to Securities and Exchange Commission (Philippines) as Gamma Kappa Phi International Inc. under a non-profit organization with registration number CN 201321651 and TIN 008-656-309 on November 12, 2013.


  • Maximo B. Rodriguez Jr. – Congressman (House of Representatives of the Philippines), Party List – Abante Mindanao [1]
  • Rey T. Uy – former city mayor of Tagum City, Former Board Member of Davao del Norte Province [2]
  • Datu Akmad M. Ampatuan – former vice governor of Maguindanao province. Remain in police custody and still upheld the finding of probable cause against him with involved members of his 'Ampatuan Family Political Clan', for multiple murder in connection with the gruesome Maguindanao massacre. Together with his uncle Andal Ampatuan Sr. his brothers Zaldy Ampatuan, Andal Ampatuan Jr. and other prominent members of his family was accused as respondent in criminal cases pertaining to the killing of 57 people, mostly journalists and female members of the Mangudadatu political clan, on November 23, 2009, in Ampatuan, Maguindanao.[3]
  • Ernesto T. Uy – municipal mayor of Mabinay, Negros Oriental[4]
  • Godofredo Balansag – municipal mayor of Lantapan, Bukidnon[5][6]
  • Eric Espinosa – city councilor of Toledo[7]
  • Cyril Ruiz LL.B, city councilor and action officer of Dipolog City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (CDRRMO), Dipolog City, Zamboanga del Norte [8]
  • Military and law enforcement

  • Julhasan Arasain – navy petty officer 2 (Philippine Navy)[9][10] Honored as Hero on 71st founding anniversary of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (Armed Forces Day) who died heroic when he was swept away by mudflow while he was rescuing his neighbors in Barangay Busay on Nov. 30, 2006. He saved eight families or some 30 people as mudflows as high as two feet swept through Barangay Busay during the Super typhoon "Reming"(see 2006 Pacific typhoon season), which dumped 466 millimeters of rain in just seven and a half hours, triggered mudflows from the slopes of Mount Mayon, leaving 566 dead, 1,394 injured and 650 missing in Albay’s three cities and 14 municipalities. In his honor, Philippine Navy Station in Rawis, Legazpi City, Albay – Headquarters of NAVFORSOL was named Naval Station Julhasan Arasain after his name.
  • General Christopher Laxa – (Philippine Military Academy 1982) Philippine National Police police senior superintendent, acting executive officer, Directorate for Investigation and Detective Management, Camp Crame, Quezon City[11]
  • 1st Lt. Homer Estolas – (Philippine Military Academy 1995) member of 'Scout Rangers' or officially known as 1st Scout Ranger Regiment. Acquitted in November 2010 and dismissed charges against him as one of the member of nine retired and active officials in the military for an "attempt to create a mutiny" in February 2006 against the Arroyo Government. The military tribunal, concluded there was no sufficient evidence against him with six others to show that they committed "overt acts" to overthrow the previous Arroyo government.[12]
  • Maj. Eugene Osias Jr. – (Philippine Military Academy) spokesman of the 4th Infantry Division of the Philippine Army, Cagayan de Oro Commander of the Fourth Civil Military Operations Battalion [13]
  • Esmael A. Panda (LL.B), OIC, Office of the Asst. Regional Director, National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM), Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao, Cotabato City[14]
  • Col. Ukol M. Paglala (LL.B), Chief Judge Advocate General, Armed Forces of the Philippines Headquarters, Camp Aguinaldo, Quezon City, Philippines [15]
  • Education

  • Dr. Ricardo Rotoras, DEng'g – president, Mindanao University of Science and Technology, Cagayan de Oro City[16][17]
  • Lordino Cabigon Ph.D – Former vice president for administration, Central Mindanao University, Maramag, Bukidnon [18]
  • Dr. Sergio Andolero – director, Agricultural Training Institute (Philippines) Regional Training Center, Region 9, Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay [19][20][21]
  • Dr. Herminio M. Pava - Former Professor VI, Central Mindanao University, Maramag, Bukidnon. He is an agronomist, plant breeder, seed technologist, agro-forester, researcher, and writer. He is most distinguished for his work on MUSUAN (Mindanao Upland Stabilization and Utilization Through Proper Agroforestry Networking Program). He was conferred as Scientist III by Department of Science and Technology and recipient of the Most Outstanding Agricultural Scientist Award in 2004.
  • Dr. Myrna G. Ballentes- Dean of Graduate School, Central Mindanao University
  • Religion

  • Pastor Albert P. Lopez – outreach ministry team pastor, United Church of Christ in the Philippines Cagayan de Oro City Serving UCCP Church, Lugait, Misamis Oriental and formerly served UCCP Church, Macabalan, Cagayan de Oro City [22]
  • Fr. Geoffrey Adolfo – (Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Cebu). Fr. Adolfo is presently serving in the Diocese of Lurín, in Parroquia Nuestra Senora de La Paz (Our Lady of Peace Parish) Lima, Peru.[23][24]
  • Fr. Rene Moreno Antonio – (Roman Catholic Diocese of Prince George). Ordained to Sacred Diaconate in Prince George, British Columbia, Canada.[25]
  • Sr. Joy Carmel Jumawan, Carm.OL – executive secretary at Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines Episcopal Commission on Mutual Relations Between Bishops and Religious (CBCP-ECMR), Intramuros, Manila [26]
  • Pastor Kenneth P. Villaluz – senior pastor at Cornerstone Assembly of God, Needham, Massachusetts, US [27]
  • Rev. Arnold Zamora – parish priest at Holy Name of Jesus Parish San Francisco, California, US. Founding Member of the Singing Priests of Tagbilaran [28]
  • Fr. Roger Lumbre – pastor at St. Michael Parish Church, Kansas, US, and St. Joseph Parish Church, Kansas, US [29]
  • Government and public service

  • Bai Rebecca Ampatuan – former chief of staff of Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao[30]
  • Dr. Raymundo Luzano, Jr. – former director, Bukidnon Provincial Hospital, Malitbog, Bukidnon[31]
  • International and national awardees

  • Lamberto Vasquez – University of the Philippines College of Music[32], University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City – 1st prize winner, classical guitar, 1977 National Music Competitions for Young Artists (National Music Competitions for Young Artists Foundation)held in Cultural Center of the Philippines
  • Angelito "Jim" Jimenez – Award of Excellence – category winner, 1991 Annual International Competition of Architectural Illustrations, 9th Architecture in Perspective (AIP) [33] Awarded in Chicago, Illinois, US, and Tour Exhibition Venues in United States and Overseas.[34]
  • Engr. Daniel G. Cabasa - 2016 Bagong Bayani National Awardee for Most Outstanding Employee Category (conferred by POEA, DOLE & The Bagong Bayani Foundation). 2014 Recipient of the Gawad ng Pangulo-Banaag Award representing the IIEE Central region Chapter-Riyadh SA (conferred by His Excellency, The President of the Republic of the Philippines). 2014 Leadership Awardee (conferred by the Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers of the Philippines, IIEE). 2013 Most Outstanding Electrical Practitioner in the Field of Projects Management (conferred by the Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers of the Philippines, IIEE).
  • References

    Gamma Kappa Phi Wikipedia

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