Rahul Sharma (Editor)

GR 65

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Geneva, Roncesvalles

GR 65 GR65 Via Podiensis

Switzerland, France, Spain

GR footpath, European long-distance paths

On the road to santiago de compostella gr 65 via podiensis

The GR 65 is a long-distance walking route of the Grande Randonnée network that extends from the French Prealps, across south central France, through the Pyrenees.


GR 65 GR65 Via Podiensis

The French name for this GR route is the Chemin de Saint-Jacques and the Spanish name is the Camino de Santiago, because the GR 65 is an important variant route of the old Christian pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela, one of several variants of the Way of St. James. In English it is sometimes called The Le Puy Route or by its Latin name Via Podiensis, including its subtrails GR651 and GR652.

GR 65 GR65 From Marsolan Gers to Airesurl39Adour Landes

The GR 65 is part of the system of European long-distance paths known as E3.

The route starts in Geneva, Switzerland, and continues through France to La Côte-Saint-André (Isère), Le Puy-en-Velay (Haute-Loire), Nasbinals (Lozère), Conques (Aveyron), Figeac (Lot), Moissac (Tarn-et-Garonne), and Aire-sur-l'Adour (Landes), to Roncevalles, Spain.

GR 65 Wandelgids Pelgrimsroute 651 GR 65 Le Chemin du Puy Le Puy

Via podiensis gr 65

GR 65 gr65jJPG

GR 65 wwwtourismeaveyroncomendiscoverunmissablesi

GR 65 GR65 Walking from Le PuyenVelay HauteLoire to Nasbinals Lozere


GR 65 Wikipedia

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