Supriya Ghosh (Editor)

G prior

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In statistics, the g-prior is an objective prior for the regression coefficients of a multiple regression. It was introduced by Arnold Zellner. It is a key tool in Bayes and empirical Bayes variable selection.



Consider a data set ( x 1 , y 1 ) , , ( x n , y n ) , where the x i are Euclidean vectors and the y i are scalars. The multiple regression model is formulated as

y i = x i β + ε i .

where the ε i are random errors. Zellner's g-prior for β is a multivariate normal distribution with covariance matrix proportional to the inverse Fisher information matrix for β .

Assume the ε i are iid normal with zero mean and variance ψ 1 . Let X be the matrix with i th row equal to x i . Then the g-prior for β is the multivariate normal distribution with prior mean a hyperparameter β 0 and covariance matrix proportional to ψ ( X X ) 1 , i.e.,

β | ψ MVN [ β 0 , g ψ ( X X ) 1 ] .

where g is a positive scalar parameter.

Posterior distribution of β {displaystyle eta }

The posterior distribution of β is given as

β | ψ , x , y MVN [ q β ^ + ( 1 q ) β 0 , q ψ ( X X ) 1 ] .

where q = g / ( 1 + g ) and

β ^ = ( X X ) 1 X y .

is the maximum likelihood (least squares) estimator of β . The vector of regression coefficients β can be estimated by its posterior mean under the g-prior, i.e., as the weighted average of the maximum likelihood estimator and β 0 ,

β ~ = q β ^ + ( 1 q ) β 0 .

Clearly, as g →∞, the posterior mean converges to the maximum likelihood estimator.

Selection of g

Estimation of g is slightly less straightforward than estimation of β . A variety of methods have been proposed, including Bayes and empirical Bayes estimators.


G-prior Wikipedia