Residence Moscow, Russia Nationality Russia Name Fuad Aleskerov | Citizenship Russia Academic advisors M.A. Aizerman Alma mater Moscow State University | |
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Born Fuad Aleskerov
January 23, 1951 (age 73)
Baku, Azerbaijan ( 1951-01-23 ) Fields Decision theory, Social and individual choice theory, multicriteria choice theory, Theory of Binary Relations, Theory of Political Processes, Discrete Mathematical Models, Banking Institutions Higher School of Economics, V. A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences Books Linear Algebra for Economists, Arrovian Aggregation Models |
Linear algebra for economists from fuad aleskerov hasan ersel and dmitri piontkovski
Fuad Aleskerov (born 23 January 1951, Baku, Azerbaijan SSR) is a Russian mathematician and one of the most influential mathematicians in the fields of decision theory, social choice theory, and game theory in Russia. Fuad Aleskerov is one of the founders of the contemporary social choice theory. He is a tenure professor in the Higher School of Economics, Head of the Department of Mathematics in the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Head of the International Laboratory of Decision Choice and Analysis in the Higher School of Economics, and Head of Mark Aizerman Laboratory of Theory of Choice and Decision Making in the Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of Sciences.
- Linear algebra for economists from fuad aleskerov hasan ersel and dmitri piontkovski
- Biography
- Main publications
- Books
- Other professional activities
- Editorial work
- Member of editorial boards
- International activity
- Contribution
- Awards
- References
In 1974 Fuad Aleskerov graduated from the Mechanics and Mathematics department of Moscow State University. He has worked in Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences since 1975. He started as an intern and became a head of the laboratory by 1989. He researched a Ph.D. thesis on the topic «Interval choice» in 1981. In 1993 he got Dr.Sc. for research in Local Aggregation Models in the institute.
Aleskerov has been the Head of the Department of Mathematics in NSU HSE from 2003 and has heading the International Laboratory of Decision Choice and Analysis from 2009
Main publications
Selected articles and papers in English:
- Aleskerov F., Vladimirov A. ‘Hierarchical voting,’ Information Sciences, 1986, vol. 39, no.1, 41–86
- Aleskerov F. ‘Multicriterial Interval Choice Models,’ Information Sciences, v. 80, nos. 1 and 2, 1994, 25–41
- Aleskerov F., Kurbanov E. ‘A degree of manipulability of known social choice procedures’, in Studies in Economic Theory, v.8, ‘Current Trends in Economics: Theory and Applications, S.Aliprantis, A.Alkan, N.Yannelis (eds.), Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1999, 13–28
- Aleskerov F., Alper E. ‘A clustering approach to some monetary facts: a long-run analysis of cross-country data’, The Japanese Economic Review, v.51, no.4, 2000, 555–567
- Aleskerov F., Avci G., Iacouba V., and Turem Z.U. ‘European Union enlargement: power distribution implications of the new institutional arrangements’, European Journal of Political Research, 41, 2002, 379–394
- Aleskerov F. ‘Categories of Arrovian Voting Schemes’, in Handbook of Economics 19, Handbook of Social Choice and Welfare, v.1, K.Arrow, A.Sen, K.Suzumura (eds.), Elsevier Science B.V., 2002, 95–129
- Aleskerov F. ‘Simple and simplest semiorders’, Doklady Mathematics, 2002, v.387, no.2, 175–177
- Aleskerov F., Say A.I., Toker A., Akin H.L., Altay G. ‘A cluster-based decision support system for estimating earthquake damage and casualties’, Disasters, v.29, # 3, 2005, 255–276
- Aleskerov F. ‘Power indices taking into account agents’ preferences’, in ‘Mathematics and Democracy’ (B.Simeone and F.Pukelsheim, eds.), Springer, Berlin, 2006, 1–18
- Aleskerov F.T., Yakuba V.I. ‘A Method for Threshold Aggregation of Three-Grade Rankings,’ Doklady Mathematics, 2007, Vol. 75, No. 2, pp. 322–324
- Aleskerov F., Cinar Y. ‘q-Pareto- scalar’ Two-stage Extremization Model and its Reducibility to One-stage Model,’ Theory and Decision, 65, 2008, 291–304
- Aleskerov F., Nurmi H. ‘A Method for Finding Patterns of Party Support and Electoral Change:An Analysis of British General and Finnish Municipal Elections,’ Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 2008, 1225–1269
- Aleskerov F., Chistyakov V., Kalyagin V. ‘Social threshold aggregations’, Social Choice and Welfare, v. 35, # 4, 2010, 627–646
- Aleskerov F., Egorova L. “Is it so bad that we cannot recognize black swans?”, Economic Letters, 2012, #117, p. 563–565
- Aleskerov F., Karpov A. A new single transferable vote method and its axiomatic justification, Social Choice and Welfare, March 2013, Volume 40, #3, 771–786
- Fuad Aleskerov, Andrey Subochev ‘Modeling optimal social choice: matrix- vector representation of various solution concepts based on majority rule’, Journal of Global Optimization, v.56, no.2, 2013, p. 737–756
- Aizerman M., Aleskerov F. Choice of Options (Foundation of a Theory), NAUKA Publishers, 1990 (in Russian) ISBN 5-02-014091-0, 237 pages
- Aleskerov F., Ordeshook P. Elections, Voting, Parties, Academia Publishers, Moscow, 1995 (in Russian) ISBN 5-7695-0011-5, 206 pages
- Aizerman M., Aleskerov F. Theory of Choice, Elsevier, North—Holland, 1995, ISBN 0-444-822100, 314 pp.
- Aleskerov F. Arrovian Aggregation Models, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordercht, 1999, ISBN 0-7923-8451-2, 242 pp.
- Aleskerov F., Ersel H., Sabuncu Y., From Elections to Coalitions, Yapi Kredi Yayinlari, Istanbul, 1999 (in Turkish), ISBN 978-975-363-639-1, 260 pp.; Second edition: Eflatun Yayin Evi, 2010 (ISBN 978-605-4334-44-5) (in Turkish) 302 s.
- Aleskerov F., Monjardet B. Utility Maximization, Choice and Preference, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2002, ISBN 3-540-43089-X, 223 pages; Second edition: Aleskerov F., Bouyssou D., Monjardet B. ‘Utility Maximization, Choice and Preference’, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2007, ISBN 978-3540341826, 283 pages
- Aleskerov F., Khabina E., Svartz D. ‘Binary Relations, Graphs and Social Decisions’, Moscow, Publishing House of Higher School of Economics, 2006, ISBN 5-7598-0345-X (in Russian), 300 p.; Second edition: Aleskerov F., Khabina E., Svartz D. ‘Binary Relations, Graphs and Social Decisions’, Moscow, Fizmatlit, 2012, ISBN ISBN 978-5-9221-1363-2 (in Russian), 341 p.
- Aleskerov F., N.Blagoveshensky, G.Satarov, A.Sokolova, V.Yakuba ‘Power and Structural Stability in Russian Parliament (1905–1917 i 1993–2005)’, Moscow, Fizmatlit, 2007 (ISBN 978-5-9221-0881-2), 309 pp. (in Russian); re-printed in 2009 by Fizmatlit
- Aleskerov F., Andrievskaya I., Penikas G., Solodkov V. ‘Analysis of Mathematical Models of Basel 2’, Moscow, Fizmatlit, 2009 (ISBN 978-5-9221-1142-3), 286 pp., (in Russian); Second edition: Aleskerov F., Andrievskaya I., Penikas G., Solodkov V. ‘Analysis of Mathematical Models of Basel 2’, Moscow, Fizmatlit, 2013 (ISBN 978-5-9221-1463-9), 296 p. (in Russian)
- Aleskerov F., Ersel H. and Piontkovski D. ‘Linear Algebra for Economists’, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, ISBN 978-3-642-20569-9, 286 pages
Other professional activities
Member of:
Founder and head:
Editorial work
Member of editorial boards
F.T.Aleskerov is a member of editorial boards in several international and Russian journals:
International activity
Fuad Aleskerov has been invited as a visiting professor to many Western universities including:
Fuad T. Aleskerov gave lectures at more than 30 universities, including Harvard University, MIT, Stanford University, University of Maryland, Rice University, Sapienza University of Rome, European University Institute, London School of Economics, etc.
F.T.Aleskerov's area of expertise is modern theory of choice, which is the foundation for disciplines such as decision making theory, economics, and psychology. He studied and extended models of interval choice, which were first considered by Norbert Wiener, studied models of social choice and generalized the classical works first analyzed by Kenneth Arrow, Amartya Sen and Eric Maskin. He introduced new classes of binary relations, such as weak bi-orders, simple and simplest semi-orders and which extend the known classes of binary relations that are widely used in mathematics, economics, and psychology. He proposed a new class of power indices, taking into account the preferences of agents to coalesce, a behavioral model of stock exchange, constructed an axiomatic of well-known rule of proportional representation – single transferable vote. He also proposed several new aggregation rules and new mathematical models for analyzing a degree of manipulability of aggregation rules.