Suvarna Garge (Editor)

Friesian cross

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Country of origin

Higher classification

Scientific name
Equus caballus


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Distinguishing features
Friesian crossbreds, of any color, type, or size

Friesian horse, AraAppaloosa, Spotted Saddle Horse, Tiger horse, Knabstrupper

The Friesian cross (also Friesian/x and Friesian Sport Horse) is a horse breed produced by crossbreeding the Friesian horse.


Friesian cross Colorful Friesian Cross Sport Horses For Sale

The breeding of Friesian Crosses has become increasingly popular in the United States, with various registries often being created to recognize certain specific crosses. Friesian crosses may be considered sport horses (suitable for the sports of dressage, combined driving, eventing, and jumping), or they may be considered pleasure horses.

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Some popular crosses include Friesians crossed with draft horses (primarily Percherons), Morgans (Friesian/Morgan is known as a "Moriesian"), Arabians, Andalusians (Friesian/Andalusian is known as a Warlander), Paints, Appaloosa, Saddlebreds (Friesian/Saddlebred is known as a "Georgian Grande"), Thoroughbreds, and Tennessee Walkers (Friesian/Tennessee Walker is known as a "Friewalker".) Other crosses include Warmbloods and other sport horse types.

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Friesian cross 1000 images about Friesian Horse Crosses on Pinterest Baroque

Friesian Crosses can be any color, type, or size. They tend to maintain some of the characteristics of the Friesian (such as the temperament, long manes, and feathering), and often inherit some of the flashier movement of the Friesian. They are popular for a variety of uses, including dressage, eventing, and driving, as well as family and pleasure horses.

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Friesian cross Wikipedia

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