Neha Patil (Editor)

Free Spirit (comics)

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Marvel Comics

Captain America

Captain America

Alter ego
Cathy Webster

Notable aliases

Free Spirit (comics) Free Spirit American Woman Pinterest Soldiers Captain america

Created by
Mark Gruenwald (writer) Dave Hoover (artist)

Highly skilled acrobat and street fighter Peak physical condition

First appearance
Captain America vol. 1 #431 (September 1994)

Dave Hoover, Mark Gruenwald

Captain America, Jack Flag, Spirit of '76, Battlestar, Golden Girl

Free Spirit is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. She first appeared in Captain America vol. 1 #431 (September 1994), and was created by Mark Gruenwald and Dave Hoover.


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Fictional character biography

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As a graduate student, Cathy Webster participates in an unsanctioned psychology experiment involving subliminal recordings. She is subliminally programmed to hate all men, and her body is subjected to "mutagenic radiation". The radiation enhances her body to peak physical condition similar to Captain America. Cathy eventually overcomes her brainwashing and discovers the woman in charge of the experiment, a criminal scientist named Superia. She also crosses paths with the criminal Baron Zemo and the morally ambiguous Diamondback. Captain America and Cathy aid another hero, Jack Flag, in defeating the Serpent Society, who had infiltrated Sandhaven, Arizona. She infiltrated their headquarters and attacked Coachwhip, defeating her and wearing her costume as a disguise. Captain America then takes Free Spirit and Jack Flag under his wing, where he trains them to be heroes. They join Captain America's network of computer operatives called the "Captain America Hotline", fighting against ULTIMATUM, AIM, and Madcap. When Captain America temporarily loses his powers due to the breakdown of the Super Soldier Serum in his bloodstream, he inherited the hotline to Jack, Cathy, Fabian Stankowicz and Zach Moonhunter.

The Initiative

Free Spirit (comics) Free Spirit Marvel Universe Wiki The definitive online source for

Cathy is being considered as a "potential recruit" for the Initiative program, according to Civil War: Battle Damage Report.

Captain America: Steve Rogers

Free Spirit (comics) Copperhead Comics Comic Vine

After Steve Rogers was restored to his prime, he recruited Jack Flag and Free Spirit as part of S.H.I.E.L.D. in order to combat the growing threat of Hydra. They went to Bagalia to deal with Baron Zemo and his "New Masters". However, Jack ignored Captain America's orders to remain with Free Spirit and went after Zemo himself, confronting him on his getaway plane and defeating him. Angry at him, Rogers throws Flag from the airplane without a parachute, before saying "Hail Hydra" at the end of the issue. Free Spirit manages to find him on the street, unconscious but alive, until all the villains of Bagalia attempt to kill them. They are eventually rescued by Steve Rogers and the S.H.I.E.L.D. squad in time to get Jack Flag medical attention, who fell into a coma as a result of the injury. She is later seen talking to a comatose Jack on the medical bay when Rick Jones arrives, attempting to cheer her up. When Steve Rogers attempted to kill Jack, by injecting him with a poison, Free Spirit arrives and tells Steve that Jack's family had decided to disconnect him.

Powers and abilities

Free Spirit (comics) Free Spirit Character Comic Vine

Like Captain America, Cathy has been augmented to peak physical condition. She has reached a high level of martial prowess, including basic acrobatics and street fighting techniques, from training sessions with Captain America and Jack Flag.

Free Spirit (comics) Free Spirit Teams Comic Vine


Free Spirit (comics) Wikipedia

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