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Fragaria Fragaria Wikipedia

Fruit, Blueberry, Banana, Chocolate, Berry

Strawberry fields fruit and flower development in fragaria vesca and arabidopsis thaliana hd

Fragaria /frəˈɡɛəriə/ is a genus of flowering plants in the rose family, Rosaceae, commonly known as strawberries for their edible fruits. There are more than 20 described species and many hybrids and cultivars. The most common strawberries grown commercially are cultivars of the garden strawberry, a hybrid known as Fragaria × ananassa. Strawberries have a taste that varies by cultivar, and ranges from quite sweet to rather tart. Strawberries are an important commercial fruit crop, widely grown in all temperate regions of the world.


Fragaria Buy alpine strawberry woodland Fragaria vesca Delivery by Crocus

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Fragaria Strawberry Fragaria x ananassa My Garden Life

Strawberries are not true berries. The fleshy and edible part of the fruit is a receptacle, and the parts that are sometimes mistakenly called "seeds" are achenes. Although it is commonly thought that strawberries get their name from straw being used as a mulch in cultivating the plants, the etymology of the word is possibly derived from "strewn berry" in reference to the fruit being "strewn" about the base of the plants.


Fragaria Genus Fragaria strawberry Go Botany

There are more than 20 different Fragaria species worldwide. Numbers of other species have been proposed, some of which are now recognized as subspecies. Key to the classification of strawberry species is recognizing that they vary in the number of chromosomes. There are seven basic types of chromosomes that they all have in common. However, they exhibit different polyploidy. Some species are diploid, having two sets of the seven chromosomes (14 chromosomes total). Others are tetraploid (four sets, 28 chromosomes total), hexaploid (six sets, 42 chromosomes total), octoploid (eight sets, 56 chromosomes total), or decaploid (ten sets, 70 chromosomes total).

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As a rough rule (with exceptions), strawberry species with more chromosomes tend to be more robust and produce larger plants with larger berries.

Diploid species

Fragaria Fragaria vesca Wikimedia Commons

  • Fragaria bucharica Losinsk. (China)
  • Fragaria daltoniana J.Gay (Himalayas)
  • Fragaria gracilis Losinskaja (China)
  • Fragaria iinumae Makino (East Russia, Japan)
  • Fragaria nilgerrensis Schlecht. ex J.Gay (South and Southeast Asia)
  • Fragaria nipponica Makino (Japan)
  • Fragaria nubicola Lindl. ex Lacaita (Himalayas)
  • Fragaria pentaphylla Losinsk. (China)
  • Fragaria rubicola
  • Fragaria vesca L. - woodland strawberry (Northern Hemisphere)
  • Fragaria viridis Duchesne (Europe, Central Asia)
  • Fragaria yezoensis H.Hara (Northeast Asia)
  • Fragaria x bifera Duchesne - (F. vesca × viridis). Europe
  • Tetraploid species

  • Fragaria moupinensis Cardot (China)
  • Fragaria orientalis Losinsk. - (eastern Asia, eastern Siberia)
  • Pentaploid hybrids

  • Fragaria × bringhurstii Staudt (coast of California)
  • Hexaploid species

  • Fragaria moschata Duchesne - Musk strawberry (Europe)
  • Octoploid species and hybrids

  • Fragaria × ananassa Duchesne ex Rozier - Pineapple strawberry, Garden strawberry
  • Fragaria chiloensis (L.) Mill. - Beach strawberry (Western Americas)
  • Fragaria chiloensis subsp. chiloensis forma chiloensis
  • Fragaria chiloensis subsp. chiloensis forma patagonica (Argentina, Chile)
  • Fragaria chiloensis subsp. lucida (E. Vilm. ex Gay) Staudt (coast of British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, California)
  • Fragaria chiloensis subsp. pacifica Staudt (coast of Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, California)
  • Fragaria chiloensis subsp. sandwicensis (Decne.) Staudt - ʻŌhelo papa (Hawaiʻi)
  • Fragaria iturupensis Staudt - Iturup strawberry (Iturup, Kuril Islands)
  • Fragaria virginiana Mill. - Virginia strawberry (North America)
  • Decaploid species and hybrids

  • Fragaria cascadensis K.E. Hummer, Cascade Mountains in Oregon, United States
  • Fragaria × Comarum hybrids
  • Fragaria × vescana
  • Uncategorized hybrids

  • F. 'Lipstick', red-flowered runnering ornamental, sparse small globular fruits.
  • Fragaria vesca and certain other diploid species can be hybridized and produce fertile offspring (although Fragaria nilgerrensis appears less compatible).
  • Fragaria moschata can hybridize with diploid species such as Fragaria viridis and Fragaria nubicola but producing a lower proportion of viable seeds.
  • Fragaria moschata can hybridize with Fragaria × ananassa.
  • Ecology

    A number of species of butterflies and moths feed on strawberry plants: see list of Lepidoptera that feed on strawberry plants.


    Fragaria Wikipedia

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