Suvarna Garge (Editor)

Four Craters Lava Field

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Mountain type
volcanic field

1,501 m

Last eruption
< 50,000 years ago

Age of rock

Four Craters Lava Field httpsvolcanoesusgsgovvscimagesfourcraters

Lake County, Oregon, U.S.

Blue Lake Crater, Brushy Butte, Cinnamon Butte, Jordan Craters, Bald Knoll

Four craters lava field

Four Craters Lava Field is a basaltic volcanic field located south east of Newberry Caldera in the U.S. state of Oregon. The volcanic field covers about 30 square kilometers. Four Pleistocene cinder cones are the source of the flows in the field and are aligned along a fissure trending N 30° W. The cones rise 75 to 120 meters above the flows and the distance between the northern most and southern most cones is about 3.5 kilometers.


Map of Four Craters Lava Field, Oregon 97638, USA

Closely related to the Four Craters lava field is Crack-in-the-Ground located at the southwest corner of the field. The eruptions from the field were accompanied by a slight sinking of the older rock surface. This shallow, graben-like sink is about 3 kilometers wide and extends to the south into an old lake basin. Crack-in-the-Ground marks the western edge of this small, volcano-tectonic depression and is nearly 9 meters deep and over a meter wide. The crack is the result of a tension fracture along a hingeline produced by the drapping of Green Mountain lava flows over the edge of upthrown side of the concealed fault zone.


Four Craters Lava Field Wikipedia

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