Harman Patil (Editor)

Foreign Affairs Policy Board

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Foreign Affairs Policy Board

The Foreign Affairs Policy Board is an advisory board that provides independent advice and opinion to the Secretary of State, the Deputy Secretary of State, and the Director of Policy Planning on matters concerning U.S. foreign policy. The Board reviews and assesses global threats and opportunities, trends that implicate core national security interests, tools and capacities of the civilian foreign affairs agencies, and priorities and strategic frameworks for U.S. foreign policy. The Board meets in a plenary session several times a year at the U.S. Department of State in the Harry S Truman Building.



The Foreign Affairs Policy Board was launched in December 2011 under Secretary Hillary Clinton and modeled after the Defense Policy Board of the U.S. Department of Defense. The Board's first meeting was held on December 19, 2011.


The Board is chartered to have up to 25 members who serve two-year terms. Board members have a wide range of expertise and backgrounds, including past government service, academia, politics, development, business, and think tanks. Past members include Liaquat Ahamed, Ann Fudge, Helene Gayle, Alberto Ibargüen, Jim Kolbe, Stephen Krasner, Mack McLarty, Jacqueline Novogratz, John Podesta, James Steinberg, Laura Tyson, Richard Verma, David Dreier, William Kennard, and Christine Todd Whitman.

Current members

The following are current members of the Foreign Affairs Policy Board as of 2015.

  • R. Nicholas Burns, former Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs under President George W. Bush
  • Johnnie Carson, former Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs under President Barack Obama
  • Stephen A. Cheney, retired Brigadier General and CEO of the American Security Project
  • Nelson Cunningham, President and co-founder of McLarty Associates
  • Karen Donfried, President of the German Marshall Fund of the United States
  • Anne M. Finucane, Global Chief of Strategy and Marketing at Bank of America
  • Stephen J. Hadley, former National Security Advisor under President George W. Bush
  • Jane Harman, President of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
  • Carla A. Hills, Co-Chair of the Council on Foreign Relations and former U.S. Trade Representative under President George H. W. Bush
  • Robert Kagan, Senior Fellow in foreign policy at the Brookings Institution
  • Daniel C. Kurtzer, professor of Middle East studies at Princeton University and former U.S. Ambassador to Israel and Egypt
  • Michael Mullen, retired United States Navy admiral and former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama
  • Vali Nasr, Dean of the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies and Senior Fellow in foreign policy at the Brookings Institution
  • John D. Negroponte, former Deputy Secretary of State and the first Director of National Intelligence
  • Joseph S. Nye, political scientist and professor at Harvard University
  • Thomas R. Pickering, former Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs and former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations
  • Anne-Marie Slaughter, President and CEO of New America and former Director of Policy Planning under Secretary Hillary Clinton
  • Louis B. Susman, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Kingdom under President Barack Obama
  • Strobe Talbott, President of the Brookings Institution and former Deputy Secretary of State under President Bill Clinton
  • Thomas J. Vallely, senior advisor for Mainland Southeast Asia at the Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation
  • References

    Foreign Affairs Policy Board Wikipedia

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