Neha Patil (Editor)

Filfola lizard

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Higher classification


Scientific name
Podarcis filfolensis


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Podarcis, Reptile, Lacertids, Sicilian wall lizard, Dalmatian wall lizard

The filfola lizard or Maltese wall lizard (Podarcis filfolensis) is a species of lizard in the Lacertidae family. It is found in Italy (in the Pelagian Islands) and in the island group of Malta. Its natural habitats are Mediterranean-type shrubby vegetation, rocky areas, rocky shores, arable land, pastureland, and rural gardens.


Filfola lizard Noah39s Ark Lizzie The Maltese Lizard

The Filfola Lizard in Malta

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In the Maltese Islands, there are four subspecies of the Maltese Wall Lizard. All four subspecies are endemic to the Maltese Islands.

Podarcis filfolensis ssp. maltensis

This subspecies is found on the three main islands: Malta, Gozo and Comino. It is normally greenish and sometimes speckled.

Podarcis filfolensis ssp. filfolensis

This subspecies is endemic to the islet of Filfla just off the coast of Malta. It is the largest of the four subspecies and is blackish with bluish spots.

Podarcis filfolensis ssp. kieselbachi

This subspecies is endemic to Selmunett, otherwise known as St.Paul's Islands. Its colours vary greatly e.g. brown, grey, etc. with an orange belly and small black spots. The population became extinct in 2005.

Podarcis filfolensis ssp. generalensis

This subspecies is endemic to Fungus Rock (west coast of Gozo). It has a reddish belly and blue-like flanks.

Other subspecies

A fifth subspecies is thought to exist on the island of Cominotto/Kemunett and another subspecies, Podarcis filfolensis ssp. laurentimulleri, occurs on the Italian islands of Linosa and Lampione.

Features and behaviour

Unlike the males, who have bright colours, young lizards and females have somewhat dull coloration (brownish). The Maltese Wall Lizard usually eats small insects like ants or termites.

Males show territorial behaviour. When other males enter its territory, it puffs up and raises its head. A similar behaviour is seen when they attract females. Mating takes place in spring. One or two eggs are laid shortly after, and finally hatch between June and mid-August.


Filfola lizard Wikipedia

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