Kalpana Kalpana (Editor)

Fiber (mathematics)

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In mathematics, the term fiber (or fibre in British English) can have two meanings, depending on the context:


  1. In naive set theory, the fiber of the element y in the set Y under a map f : X → Y is the inverse image of the singleton { y } under f.
  2. In algebraic geometry, the notion of a fiber of a morphism of schemes must be defined more carefully because, in general, not every point is closed.

Fiber in naive set theory

Let f : X → Y be a map. The fiber of an element y Y , commonly denoted by f 1 ( y ) , is defined as

f 1 ( { y } ) = { x X | f ( x ) = y } .

In various applications, this is also called:

  • the inverse image of { y } under the map f
  • the preimage of { y } under the map f
  • the level set of the function f at the point y.
  • The term level set is only used if f maps into the real numbers and so y is simply a number. If f is a continuous function and if y is in the image of f, then the level set of y under f is a curve in 2D, a surface in 3D, and more generally a hypersurface of dimension d-1.

    Fiber in algebraic geometry

    In algebraic geometry, if f : X → Y is a morphism of schemes, the fiber of a point p in Y is the fibered product X × Y S p e c k ( p ) where k(p) is the residue field at p.

    Terminological variance

    The recommended practice is to use the terms fiber, inverse image, preimage, and level set as follows:

  • the fiber of the element y under the map f
  • the inverse image of the set { y } under the map f
  • the preimage of the set { y } under the map f
  • the level set of the function f at the point y.
  • By abuse of language, the following terminology is sometimes used but should be avoided:

  • the fiber of the map f at the element y
  • the inverse image of the map f at the element y
  • the preimage of the map f at the element y
  • the level set of the point y under the map f.
  • References

    Fiber (mathematics) Wikipedia

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