Supriya Ghosh (Editor)

Examen philosophicum

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Examen philosophicum, often abbreviated ex. phil., is a mandatory introductory course in philosophy that was introduced at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark-Norway's only university, in 1675. It was discontinued in Denmark in 1971, but still exists in Norway, albeit greatly reduced.



The content of the course varies from university to university, but in general it contains philosophy, philosophy of science, history of science, ethics and/or rhetoric. In the arts the course is often combined with examen facultatum (ex. fac.). Under the old cand.mag.-system the course was worth 5 vekttall (half a single semester nominal course load) and along with ex. fac. it made up an introductory semester at the universities.


  • The Norwegian University of Life Sciences has a 10 ECTS course.
  • The Norwegian University of Science and Technology has a 7.5 ECTS course mandatory for all students, usually in the first semester. A 7.5 credit ex.fac. is also required for arts students.
  • The University of Agder has a 10 ECTS course in the second year of study.
  • The University of Bergen has an introductory semester, of which ex.phil. makes up 10 ECTS.
  • The University of Oslo has a 10 ECTS course for all students.
  • The University of Stavanger has a 10 ECTS course for all students, but this is often offered in the third semester.
  • The University of Tromsø offers ex.phil as a 10 ECTS course, normally taken in the first semester together with ex.fac. and an introductory subject dependent on one's specialty.
  • Also, some university colleges offer ex.phil. as an elective.
  • References

    Examen philosophicum Wikipedia

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