Sneha Girap (Editor)

Evzen Korec

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Evzen Korec

Evzen Korec wwwskypaperczimage1240evzenkorecjpg

Evzen Korec, MSc, PhD. (* September 16, 1956) is a Czech entrepreneur, CEO, Chairman of the Board and owner of the development company EKOSPOL. He is also an owner and director of Tabor Zoo, which focuses on preservation of endangered species. Co-author of four unique books „Co je v domě, není pro mě!“, „Koupě bytu pod lupou“, „Pozemky ukrývají poklady“ and „Jak jsem zachránil ZOO v Táboře“. The first book became a bestseller shortly after it was published.


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Evzen Korec T m e m firma rodinnho pokraovatele k CEO

Evzen Korec graduated with honours in Molecular Biology and Genetics from the Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague (1976–1981). Between 1983 and 1986 he had been working as a researcher at the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, where he received PhD in Oncology.

After 1986, he stayed on long-term research fellowships at top universities in Europe, especially in Germany (Göttingen), the UK (London) and France (Paris).

He is a co-author of 11 patents and more than 20 research articles published in leading international scientific journals. The most important articles can be found in the database Publication in Medicine.


In 1992 he founded the development company EKOSPOL and since then has been its CEO and Chairman of the Board. EKOSPOL ranks among two leading residential developers in the Czech Republic according to market share of apartments sold. EKOSPOL also ranks among the 50 leading residential developers in Central and Eastern Europe. EKOSPOL has already realized over 50 major development projects for more than 9,000 clients.

Evzen Korec is frequently invited to hold lectures, for example he regularly lectures at the University of Economics in Prague.

Evzen Korec’s expert views and opinions on residential development, construction, housing market and the mortgage market are often quoted in all major Czech media. In 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 he was the most frequently quoted personality in the Czech development, as well as his company EKOSPOL was the most frequently mentioned development company in the media. For example in 2014, Evzen Korec was quoted in 1 137 articles ranking him absolutely first among all real estate personalities in the Czech Republic (with more than three times more media hits than the second most quoted personality). In 2015 was Korec quoted 1 002 times in media articles and defend top spot in quotations against another real estate personalities.

Evzen Korec is listed among the most distinguished Czech personalities in a prestigious publication WHO IS WHO in the Czech Republic (publisher M. Trestik) and publication WHO IS...? in the Czech Republic, published by a Swiss publishing house Hübner´s Who is who.

In 2013, Evzen Korec was awarded the TOP Manager of the Sector of Real Estate Development and Construction Award in prestigious Manager of the Year 2012 Awards.

Evzen Korec is married to his wife Jana and has a son Evzen (born 1994).

Animal Protection

Evzen Korec is known for his activities in the field of animal protection and animal breeding. He rescued a Tabor Zoo from liquidation and animal sale by buying the zoo from an insolvency administrator in 2015. Same year, the zoo was opened for public again. He himself breeds a lot of animals, starting with koi carps and ending with horses. He is an owner of Korec Corso kennel which keeps the most successful bitch of Cane Corso dog breed in Czech Republic in 2015, Koleta Atison.

His development company EKOSPOL supports for example a civic association Společnost pro zvířata, charitable trust Česká Krajina and is also a major sponsor of Tabor Zoo, which focuses on preservation of endangered species.

One of the most promoted animal-rights campaign, supported by Evzen Korec, belongs for example Konec doby klecové (“End of the Cage Epoch”) organized by Společnost pro zvířata. The goal of this campaign is to end a cage farming of poultry and all other animal species in Czech Republic. His big support also goes to biodiversity protection projects of Česká krajina focused on reintroduction of czech native animal species, such as wild horses, European bisons or aurochs.


Evzen Korec Wikipedia

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