Nisha Rathode (Editor)

Evelyn Dall

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Evelyn Dall


Evelyn Dall wwwevelyndallcomimages1944EvelynDall1944jpg

March 10, 2010, Phoenix, Arizona, United States

Sam Winter (m. 1947–1974), Albert Ernest Holmes (m. 1936)

Brian Winter, Mary Lee Winter

Miss London Ltd, King Arthur Was a Gentleman, Time Flies, Kicking the Moon Around, Calling All Stars

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Evelyn Dall (January 8, 1918 – March 10, 2010) was an American singer and actress.


Evelyn Dall Evelyn Dall obituary Film The Guardian

"KING ARTHUR WAS A GENTLEMAN" GB 1942 (Evelyn Dall musical clips)


Evelyn Dall Evelyn Dall Timeline

Born in The Bronx, New York City, Dall began her career in short films and in supporting roles on Broadway. In 1935, she was invited to become the female vocalist for Bert Ambrose and his Orchestra, in the UK, where she remained until 1946. She was known there as England's "Original Blonde Bombshell".

In 1946, she returned to the United States where she married and raised a daughter and son. Widowed in 1974, Dall moved to Jupiter, Florida, in 1980, then to Arizona in 2002.

Musical films

Evelyn Dall EvelynDallTheDancebandMovies

  • 1936 Soft Lights and Sweet Music
  • 1937 Calling All Stars
  • 1937 Sing as You Swing
  • 1938 Kicking the Moon Around
  • 1941 He Found a Star
  • 1942 King Arthur Was a Gentleman
  • 1943 Miss London Ltd.
  • 1944 Time Flies
  • Theater musicals

    Evelyn Dall Evelyn Dall obituary Film The Guardian

  • 1935 Parade (Broadway)
  • 1940 Present Arms (London)
  • 1944 Something for the Boys (London)
  • 1945 Follow the Girls (London) production
  • Death

    After suffering a broken hip due to a fall in 2006, Dall moved to a nursing home to recuperate. The home was close to her daughter. In early 2007, Dall suffered a heart attack; she also had ongoing arthritis and dementia.

    She died on March 10, 2010 in Phoenix, Arizona, after an extended illness, aged 92. She was survived by her children.


    Evelyn Dall Wikipedia

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