Siddhesh Joshi (Editor)

Eszter Hargittai

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Evanston, IL, USA

Eszter Hargittai

Eszter Hargittai httpswwwcommunicationnorthwesternedusitesd

Alma mater
Smith CollegePrinceton University

Known for
Sociology of the InternetDigital Divide

Notable awards
G.R.Miller Dissertation Award, National Communication Association, Young Scholar Award, International Communication Association

Doctoral advisor
Paul DiMaggio, Paul Starr, Miguel Centeno

United States, Hungary

Eszter hargittai and aaron shaw on internet skills and wikipedia s gender inequality

Eszter Hargittai (born 1973 in Budapest, Hungary) is a communication studies scholar and Professor at the University of Zurich. She holds a B.A. in Sociology from Smith College and a Ph.D. in Sociology from Princeton University where she was a Wilson Scholar.


Eszter Hargittai wwwalaorgnewssitesalaorgnewsfilesnewspre

She is currently Delaney Family Professor of Communication Studies and Faculty Associate of the Institute for Policy Research at Northwestern University where she heads the Web Use Project.

Eszter Hargittai Eszter Hargittai eszter Twitter

She was a fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford (2006–07) and a fellow at the Institute for International Integration Studies, Trinity College Dublin (2007). Currently, she is a fellow at Harvard's Berkman Center for Internet & Society.

Eszter Hargittai Rethinking the digital divide Princeton Alumni Weekly

She is a member of the group blog Crooked Timber (since 2003). She has been writing at Eszter's Blog since 2002.

Eszter Hargittai Rethinking the digital divide Princeton Alumni Weekly

Her research focuses on the social and policy implications of information technologies with a particular interest in how IT may contribute to or alleviate social inequalities. She has studied the differences in people's Web-use skills, the evolution of search engines and the organization and presentation of online content, political uses of information technologies, how IT are influencing the types of cultural products people consume, and geocaching.

Eszter Hargittai Christian Sandvig and Eszter Hargittai on Tools for Truth

Her work is regularly featured in the media. She was interviewed about the Internet and its social implications on CNNfn's The Flip Side on April 29, 2004. Her work on the international spread of the Internet was referenced by Wired News and cited in a United States Senate hearing. Other coverage includes BBC News as well as the Chicago Tribune the Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal and several other publications.

Eszter Hargittai Eszter Hargittai HuffPost

Eszter Hargittai, Education in the Digital Age

Notable publications

  • Research Confidential: Solutions to Problems Most Social Scientists Pretend They Never Have Hargittai, Eszter (editor). Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2009.
  • References

    Eszter Hargittai Wikipedia

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