Nisha Rathode (Editor)

Elizabeth Christensen

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Elizabeth Christensen

Elizabeth Christensen Elizabeth Christensen Actor

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Elizabeth Christensen (born 1978) is an American writer and author of novels based on the Stargate Atlantis television series, often collaborating with Sonny Whitelaw (See also Stargate literature). A fan of aviation, she holds degrees in aerospace engineering from the University of Michigan as well as being a certificated private pilot.



Stargate Atlantis: The Chosen, April 2006, co-authored with Sonny Whitelaw
Stargate Atlantis: Exogenesis, December 2006, co-authored with Sonny Whitelaw
Stargate Atlantis: Casualties of War, Fall 2007
Stargate Atlantis: Blood Ties, Winter 2007, co-authored with Sonny Whitelaw

She is also the author of Course Corrections, a short story published in Stargate:The Official Magazine, issue #15.


Elizabeth Christensen Wikipedia

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