Eileen DeSandre is an American stage actor and a member of the Actors' Equity Association. Known for much of her career as a character actor in the Oregon Shakespeare Festival in Ashland, Oregon, she has in recent years taken lead roles in a variety of theaters. She has an M.F.A. in acting from Pennsylvania State University and a B.A. in French and theater from Seton Hill University.
2014. Dr. Ruth Westheimer, Becoming Dr. Ruth, Virginia Repertory Theatre, Richmond, VA.2013. Miss Helen, The Road to Mecca, Profile Theater, Portland, OR. This role earned her critical acclaim and a Drammy Award for Actress in a Lead Role.2012. Louise, Private Lives, Rubicon Theatre, Ventura, CA.2011. Mom, Spin Cycle, Innovation Theatre Works, Bend OR.2011. Joan of Arc, Joan of Arc at the Stake (Jeanne d'Arc au bûcher), Oregon Bach Festival, Eugene, OR.2010. Nurse, Romeo and Juliet, The Riverside Theatre, New York, NY.2015. Verges, in Much Ado About Nothing2009. Brighella, Ensemble in The Servant of Two Masters2009. Bertha Katz in Paradise Lost (play)2008. Flute in A Midsummer Night's Dream2008. Madaniḱā in The Clay Cart2007. Mme. Pernelle in Tartuffe2007. Gertrud in On the Razzle2006. Emilia, Ensemble in The Winter's Tale2006. Speed in The Two Gentlemen of Verona2005. Sasha Smirnoff in Room Service2005. Holofernes in Love's Labor's Lost2004. Dr. Pinch, Ensemble in The Comedy of Errors2004. Della in The Royal Family2003. Monica Reed in Present Laughter2003. Juliana Tesman in Hedda Gabler2002. Popilius Lena and Clitus in Julius Caesar2002. Aunt Meme in Saturday, Sunday, Monday2001. Heidi in Fuddy Meers2001. Andromache in Troilus and Cressida2000. Nurse Preen in The Man Who Came to Dinner1999. Go-to-Hell Kitty in Chicago1999. Mrs. Helseth in Rosmersholm1998. Mrs. Candour in The School for Scandal1998. Maria Vasilyevna in Uncle Vanya1997/98. Maddalena Guarneri in the Oregon Shakespeare Festival and Kennedy Center productions of The Magic Fire1997. Amira in Pentecost1996. Emilia in The Winter's Tale1996. Bessie Berger in Awake and Sing!1995. Maria in Twelfth Night1995. The Maid in Blood Wedding1994. Rhea in You Can't Take It with YouDeSandre has also performed with Milwaukee Repertory Theater, Bloomsburg Theatre Ensemble, Theatre of East Carolina, Fulton Opera House, St. Vincent Theatre, Theatre for the New City, Promenade Theatre and INTAR.