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Egon Balas

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Egon Balas

Applied mathematics

Egon Balas httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

June 7, 1922Cluj, Romania (

Carnegie Mellon's Tepper School of Business

Known for
Disjunctive programming

Notable awards
John von Neumann Theory Prize (1995), EURO Gold Medal (2001), Hungarian Academy of Science (external member, 2004), Honorary Doctorate in Mathematics (University of Waterloo, 2005)

Will to Freedom: A Perilous Journey Through Fascism and Communism

Informs history traditions egon balas interview

Egon Balas (Cluj, Romania, June 7, 1922) is an applied mathematician and a professor of industrial administration and applied mathematics at Carnegie Mellon University. Balas is the Thomas Lord Professor of Operations Research at Carnegie Mellon's Tepper School of Business. Balas did some of the fundamental work in developing integer and disjunctive programming.


Egon Balas Operations Faculty Research Tepper School of Business

Egon Balas, Operations Research Pioneer: Research Retrospective

Life and education

Egon Balas Egon Balas IFORS Operations Research Operational Research

Balas was born in Cluj (Romania) in a Hungarian Jewish family. His original name was Blatt, which was first changed to the Hungarian Balázs and then later to the Romanian Balaş. He left Romania in 1966 and accepted an appointment with the Carnegie Mellon University in 1967. Balas obtained a "Diploma Licentiate" in economics (Bolyai University, 1949) and Ph.D.s in economics (University of Brussels, 1967) and mathematics (University of Paris, 1968).

Selected publications

Egon Balas Egon Balas awarded an honorary DMath degree and addressed

  • E. Balas, A. Saxena: Optimizing Over the Split Closure, Mathematical Programming 113, 2 (2008), 219–240.
  • E. Balas, M. Perregaard: A Precise Correspondence Between Lift-and-Project Cuts, Simple Disjunctive Cuts, and Mixed Integer Gomory Cuts for 0-1 Programming, Mathematical Programming B (94), 2003; 221–245.
  • E. Balas, S. Ceria, G. Cornuéjols: Mixed 0-1 Programming by Lift-and-Project in a Branch-and-Cut Framework, Management Science 42, 1996; 1229–1246.
  • E. Balas: The Prize Collecting Traveling Salesman Problem: II Polyhedral Results, Networks 25, 1995; 199–216.
  • E. Balas, S. Ceria, G. Cornuéjols: A Lift-and-Project Cutting Plane Algorithm for Mixed 0-1 Programs, Mathematical Programming 58, 1993; 295–324.
  • E. Balas: The Prize Collecting Traveling Salesman Problem I, Networks 19, 1989; 621–636.
  • E. Balas, J. Adams, D. Zawack: The Shifting Bottleneck Procedure for Job Shop Scheduling, Management Science 34, 1988; 391–401.
  • E. Balas, V. Chvátal, J. Nesetril: On The Maximum-Weight Clique Problem, Mathematics of Operations Research 12, 1987; 522–536.
  • E. Balas: Disjunctive Programming, Annals of Discrete Mathematics 5, 1979; 3–51.
  • E. Balas: An Additive Algorithm for Linear Programming in Zero-One Variables, Operations Research 13 (4), 1965; 517–546.
  • Honors and awards

    Egon Balas Details Egon Balas

  • National Academy of Engineering, 2006
  • IFORS Hall of Fame, 2006
  • Honorary Doctorate in Mathematics, University of Waterloo, 2005
  • Hungarian Academy of Science, external member, 2004
  • INFORMS Fellow, 2002
  • Honorary Doctorate in Mathematics, Miguel Hernandez University, Elche, Spain, 2002
  • EURO Gold Medal, 2001
  • John von Neumann Theory Prize, INFORMS, 1995
  • Senior U.S. Scientist Award of the von Humboldt Foundation, 1980–1981
  • References

    Egon Balas Wikipedia

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