Nisha Rathode (Editor)

Edward Skyler

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Edward Skyler

Republican Party

Edward Skyler wwwcitigroupcomcitiaboutleadersphotoslarge

Deputy Mayor for Operations for New York City

Previous office
Deputy Press Secretary to Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani (1999–2000)

Deputy Mayor for Administration of New York City since 2006

University of Pennsylvania, Fordham University School of Law

Tristine Skyler, Lisanne Skyler

Similar People
Michael Bloomberg, Tristine Skyler, Rudy Giuliani, Daniel L Doctoroff, Nicholas Fish II

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Edward "Ed" Skyler (born April 11, 1973) was Deputy Mayor for Operations for New York City, the youngest deputy mayor in New York City's history. In 2010, he was named the senior public and governmental relations executive at Citigroup.


Prior to his appointment as Deputy Mayor for Operations, Skyler served as Deputy Mayor for Administration. Skyler worked at the New York City Department of Parks & Recreation from 1995 to 1999, where he served as deputy chief of staff and as the public information director. He was a deputy press secretary to Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani. In 2000, Skyler left Giuliani's administration to work at Bloomberg LP's Corporate Communications group.

In 2001, aged 28, he joined Bloomberg for Mayor as the campaign's press secretary. Skyler served in that position through the transition during which time he was appointed Press Secretary to the incoming mayor. His successor was Stu Loeser.

On March 4, 2009, Skyler, who stands 6 feet, 4 inches, tackled a mugger in midtown Manhattan after a young woman "began screaming [that] she had just been robbed" and he recovered her BlackBerry.

Edward Skyler Gala 2015 Speech


Skyler, a member of the New York State Bar, was graduated from the University of Pennsylvania and Fordham University's School of Law.


Edward Skyler Wikipedia

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