Nisha Rathode (Editor)

Edvard Westermarck

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Known for
Bronislaw Malinowski

Edvard Westermarck


Edvard Westermarck Kretsen kring Edvard Westermarck och det tidiga 1900

20 November 1862Helsinki, Finland (

The History of Human Marriage, The Origin and Develop, Ritual and Belief in Morocco, Ethical Relativity, Wit and wisdom in Morocco

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Nobel Prize in Literature

Edvard Alexander Westermarck (20 November 1862 – 3 September 1939) was a Finnish philosopher and sociologist. Among other subjects, he studied exogamy and the incest taboo.

Edvard Westermarck Kulttuurien museo Kaukaa haettua Westermarck

The phenomenon of reverse sexual imprinting is when two people live in close domestic proximity during the first few years in the life of either one, and both become desensitised to sexual attraction, now known as the Westermarck effect, was first formally described by him in his book The History of Human Marriage (1891).

Edvard Westermarck httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

He has been described as "first Darwinian sociologist" or "the first sociobiologist".

Edvard Westermarck Edvard Alexander Westermarck 1862 1939 Genealogy

He helped found academic sociology in the United Kingdom, becoming the first professor of sociology (with Leonard Trelawny Hobhouse) in 1907 in the University of London. Other chairs he held were in Helsinki and Turku.

Edvard Westermarck The Intellectual Landscape of the Westermarckian Circle Research

A radical free thinker for his time, he critiqued Christian institutions and Christian ideas on the grounds that they lacked foundation.

Edvard Westermarck Edvard Westermarck 375 Humanists

In the UK, his name is often spelled Edward. His sister, Helena Westermarck, was a writer and artist.

Edvard Westermarck BLF


  • 1891: The History of Human Marriage. 3 Vol, Macmillan, London.
  • 1906: The Origin and Development of the Moral Ideas. 2 Vol, MacMillan, London
  • 1907: Siveys ja kristinusko: Esitelmä. Ylioppilasyhdistys Prometheus, Helsinki.
  • 1914: Marriage Ceremonies in Morocco. Macmillan, London.
  • 1919: Tapojen historiaa: Kuusi akadeemista esitelmää: Pitänyt Turussa syksyllä 1911 Edward Westermarck. 2nd edition. Suomalaisen kirjallisuuden seura, Helsinki.
  • 1926: Ritual and Belief in Morocco. 2 Vol.
  • 1926: A short History of Human Marriage. Macmillan, London.
  • 1930: Wit and Wisdom in Morocco. Routledge, London.
  • 1932: Ethical Relativity.
  • 1932: Avioliiton historia. WSOY, Helsinki.
  • 1932: Early Beliefs and Their Social Influence. London: Macmillan.
  • 1933: Pagan Survivals in Mohammedan Civilisation. London: Macmillan.
  • 1933: Moraalin synty ja kehitys. WSOY, Helsinki.
  • 1934: Three Essays on Sex and Marriage. Macmillan, London.
  • 1934: Freuds teori on Oedipuskomplexen i sociologisk belysning. Vetenskap och bildning, 45. Bonnier, Stockholm.
  • 1936: The future of Marriage in Western Civilisation. Macmillan, London.
  • 1937: "Forward" in The Wandering Spirit: A Study of Human Migration. Macmillan, London
  • 1939: Kristinusko ja moraali (Christianity and Morals). Otava, Helsinki.
  • References

    Edvard Westermarck Wikipedia

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