Supriya Ghosh (Editor)


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EDILABO is a specification project, conducted by the French « Sandre » Service d’Administration Nationale des Données et des Référentiels sur l’Eau (Sandre :, for the structured transmission of data by electronic means between commissioners (water companies, public authorities…) and service providers (for the services “sampling” and “laboratory analysis”) in the field water.



Each year in France, more than ten million water monitoring results (drinking water, surface inland water, groundwater, coastal water, wastewater…) are produced and exchanged between laboratories and their clients (sanitary or pollution control authorities, water agencies, industries,…). These data are stored in various databases using a number of formats, but also screened, combined, used or transferred.


EDILABO goals are :

  • facilitating monitoring data exchanges through the definition of a unique scheme for data transfers,
  • ensuring a better reliability of transmitted information (less interpretation mistakes),
  • increasing progressively and in a structured manner, the number of water topic information exchanged.
  • Scope

    The data scope of the version 1.0 of EDILABO specifications covers all water themes (surface and ground water, drinking water, waste water,...) for all information related to physico-chemical and microbiological analysis.

    The data scope of the version 2.0, under development (2008–2009), will also take into account biological sampling operations related to application of specific French methods (IBGN for oligochetes, IBD for diatoms,…) for the assessment of water biological quality, including the definition of queries and transfer of corresponding faunistic / floristic lists detailed results.

    French law

    Decree of 29 November 2006, addressing approval rules for laboratories making water and aquatic environment analysis under the French Environment Code, was published in the Official Journal on 21 December 2006. Article 3 details the data interchange rules with reference to EDILABO.


    EDILABO is based on :

  • a common language defined by the water community, made up of a set of definitions of topic related data,
  • reference datasets allowing the unique identification of sampling matrix and fractions (water, sediment, suspended solids…), each analysed parameter (COD, temperature, PAH,…), each analysis method used, etc.,
  • a set of exchange rules adapted to all possible situation among the involved actors,
  • a single exchange file format, true technical and structured envelope allowing data transfers.
  • Implementation

    For data interchange using EDILABO formats, the involved actors have to use tools compliant* to EDILABO formats. The software publishers progressively develop these tools. The Sandre makes available a free of charge tool, allowing a laboratory to produce a basic and compliant results file, from a received (EDILABO format-) query file. (*) The Sandre conducts compliance checks on demand.


    EDILABO Wikipedia