Rahul Sharma (Editor)

Dragendorff's reagent

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Dragendorff's reagent Antiprotozoal alkaloids from Psychotria prunifolia Kunth Steyerm

Make dragendorff s reagent from bismuth nitrate

Dragendorff’s reagent is a color reagent to detect alkaloids in a test sample. Alkaloids, if present in the solution of sample, will react with Dragendorff’s reagent and produce an orange or orange red precipitate.


Dragendorff's reagent httpsiytimgcomvi8Q1GOiTxUXghqdefaultjpg


Dragendorff's reagent The Home Scientist 022 Testing for Alkaloids with Dragendorff

Dragendroff’s reagent is a solution of potassium bismuth iodide prepared from basic bismuth nitrate (Bi(NO3)3), tartaric acid, and potassium iodide (KI).

ACS Liquid Dragendorff''s Reagent, For Laboratory, 100-500 Ml, Rs 1748  /bottle | ID: 18321437891


Dragendorff's reagent Wikipedia

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