Harman Patil (Editor)

Downtown Amman

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Downtown Amman a view of downtown amman Picture of Amman City Tour Amman

Downtown amman

Downtown Amman (Arabic: البلد‎‎, al-Balad) is the old commercial area of Amman, Jordan.



The Balad is the oldest section of the city, being the one that was originally inhabited during the Neolithic period around 6500 B.C. The seven jabals, or hills, around it were occupied during the same time and formed the perimeter of the young city, most notably the Citadel atop Citadel Hill.


Downtown Amman Amman Jordan Picture of Al Balad Downtown Amman Amman TripAdvisor

Downtown Amman is made up of a myriad of souq markets and independently owned businesses. The area's long history leaves a large number of historical sites, such as the Amman Citadel with the Umayyad Palace, the Hashemite Plaza with the Roman Theatre and the Odeon, and the Roman Nymphaeum.

Downtown Amman Karen Notes from Abroad

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